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Are you over educated and underemployed? This whole town is just crawling with people like that, including me. Im planning to re enroll in the next semester anyway, but im really getting let down by corporate recruiters that literally DO NOTHING but charge a huge management fee for the work others do

loudshirt 5 Dec 19

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Try teaching, were all over educated it's in the job description.

well, what a coincidence! im trying to enroll into the masters of teaching to become a science teacher as a career


A friend, 54, bank loan office for yearsr, had to move back to Utah when his Mom got sick.....6 weeks with no job at all, now delivers pizza

That's crazy

@Bigwavedave he has 2 kids to pay child support for, too....just awful!


Corporate recruiters are idiots and have no clue about the job they are trying to fill, or what it takes to succeed in an industry - IT and computer software is probably the biggest example of their ignorance. They look at a resume and see if you have words on it that match a check box on their list, without reading or understanding your past projects or problem solving skills.


they also demand people attend worthless diploma mill courses to obtain "certifications" that are not worth the paper they are printed on and not recognised as academic credit nor trade certification.

I saw one idiot from HR who hired people because they "looked technical" on their resumes. meaning they had lots of bullet points on the page.


I am very wary of head hunters and the companies that use them. My personal experience it that employers hire them so they can use (illegal) discriminatory hiring practices and maintain plausible deniability.

their clients like the thrill of having an extra rank above someone else who can be dismissed at any time based on personal preference. Why else would they be willing to double to triple the salary of a worker if hired directly?


I am, but it is mainly because I took too much time off for raising children.

And this is one of the most effed up things about working in the US, likely other places as well.


The question is what do you do well and enjoy doing that there is a demand for from employers?

When I was young and perplexed I took the Strong Interest Inventory test, and it advised me to become a computer programmer, which worked out well. I have confidence in that test, and also gave it to my son, who became a mechanical engineer.


So how will going back to school make this better if you are already over-educated?

Also I wouldn't let my "over-qualifications" stop me from taking a job. I would simply tell them well isn't that ideal for you then. You get more for less?

@maxhyde I try that. It doesn't work.

@Stephanie99 What do they say? I mean it actually is a corporate dream underpaying overqualified people so I am curious as I have never encountered this

@maxhyde They say that I would leave as soon as I found a better job.

@Stephanie99 I suppose if they are unwilling to take assurances that you will stay for x time not much you can do at that point. I guess I am unfamiliar with companies that are unwilling to make concessions to hire good people but doesn't mean they don't exist

@maxhyde They do, there was a company that would have hired me to provide technical support over the phone for minimum wage. I can do better working part time in my field.


I used to apply for jobs earlier in life and be told I was over qualified. OK. Let's try another approach. I have bills and payments to make and I'm also hungry. Does that put a different slant on me wanting this job? People come and go. It's not like you have a career opportunity here.


I ran into that after being VP for a lender. There was a merger and I took a buy-out. They paid me very well and i was like Kryponite when looking for a new job. I had to lie about how much I made in prior years... Saying I made LESS money than I actually did. When interviewed they were afraid I'd take their job. It took a while to land a happy position again. I have never used a head hunter.


A recruiters, love'em or hate'em.......naahhhh...hate'em (Not all of course but it takes just one bad apple....). I have always managed to work around them. You must be flexible to move around to pursue all possibilities though.


You could just move or not go back to school. It sounds like you are educated enough to find a job anywhere. Try looking in the middle of the country.

i was seriously considering starting fresh in a new country, but a new state seems like a good idea too

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