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Don't worry America. President Bonespurs knows "...more than the generals".

Mooolah 8 Dec 20

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He doesn't even know more than a child ...


Trump is the worst president ever in America. A narcissistic, con artist and egotist, Trump is an ignorant, cruel, loudmouth, sexist, racist and bigoted bully.

Trump is ruining America's standing in the world.


Well hopefully he’ll be gone before February but we shouldn’t have been in Syria to begin with but we had help retaliate against them for not allowing the Turkey/Qatar pipeline to go through Syria without giving them proper control and compensation.

And since we were caught funding and arming ISIS and the so called rebels in southern Syria we had to stay to just to get them out and to protect Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Just saying that if we didn’t go there we wouldn’t have this problem.


The only thing he knows is himself. Think on that.


Sure. Just like the Sam of Sam was sane.

@maturin1919 Huh?


Worst President ever. Worst human being ever. I pray to every god I don't believe in for his demise.

While I don't wish death on him (sort of), I would like to see him go to Mars ... one way.

@evergreen I was careful with my wording. Demise. EDIT: Well, it seems that the first def is death. I want him impeached and in prison.

@GuyKeith It would be fun to see him wearing felony stripes, and not be able to style his hairs, or go to the tanning room any more ...

@maturin1919 List them.

@maturin1919 No he's definitely not the worst PERSON - but he wins hands down for the worst PRESIDENT !!

@maturin1919 Dude, the jury is still out. I have confidence in my selection.

@maturin1919 I'm not insane, but thanks for the ad hominem.

@maturin1919 No problem, I'm used to abuse.

@evergreen Please, don't contaminate a beautiful planet. The outer solar system about 5 billion miles out would do.

@starwatcher-al sounds good to me !


I can see why he thinks so

That caricature cannot be unflattering enough.

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