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More bull shit the Washington idiots support . . . . Democrat or republican, it is the same old song and dance.

THHA 7 Dec 20

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To criticize is easy what is your solution? Mine is to work with the system we have but get rid of the bad things :excess money from corporations and the money cartels, gerrymandering , improve voting rights, term limits, public funding of campagines, eliminate the electoral college plus many others that others might contribute.

Stop supporting the party that is responsible. They caused all of this, and the US sheep just keep voting them back in. Democrat = Republican = Greed driven war-mongering dictator supporting, plutocrats. They are all ONE party, make no mistake about it.


It’s about money and influence.
Israel and Saudi Arabia have had us by the short hairs for quite some time and every time someone starts to realize it we have another enemy to go fight.

This is also why there’s so many upset people right now in regards to us leaving Syria because it puts Israel in a bad spot especially since they’ve been trying to steal the rest of the golan heights to get at Syria’s oil fields.
So fuck em and feed em fish maybe Iran will humble ol bi bi and that region might know what peace is again.


The GOP is still worse.

Carin Level 8 Dec 21, 2018

Aren’t they really the same when it comes to money and those who actually have any?
Just saying that they both have a great record of sending minorities to prison and poor whites to war.
Damn surplus population and all that. Just sayin

Yes, but only when it comes to identity politics and the culture wars, all of which is a distraction to keep voters from looking at how much the parties are alike on war, economics, empire, the environment, civil liberties, etc. The things that really matter a hell of a lot more in the long run as far as being able to survive without living on the street and not dying prematurely from being poor or unemployed. Getting attention, lip service, and status from the Dems on race, abortion rights, immigration rights, sexual orientation, feminism may leave people feeling warm and fuzzy, but it won't give them jobs, housing, food, healthcare that's affordable, and an end to wars for oil and empire. All stuff the Dems have failed to give Americans since the 60s even when they held the power to do it.

@48thRonin I agree that both sides have some of the same problems. But the difference is glaring when it comes to some major things like the environment, sensible gun laws, compassion for the needy, defense budget, and the wealthy paying their share in taxes (when I was a boy in the 50s, the top incrimental tax bracket was they squeal at 35%)....not to mention all the tax loopholes the R's have slipped in.

@balance_point I know and it’s become fodder for the democrats to use in their election campaigns just as the 3 R’s have become the basis for the republicans the 3 R being Religion, Rifles, And Race.

And I’d bet anybody this though if we were to actually take the lobbyists money out of politics and to dissolve the party labels you’d great reduction in some of these do or die stances like our budget, gun control and the legalization of drugs.

But this is what happens when happens when you allow two crooked cops to work the same beat
One will rob from their own base and swear that it’s other one doing it and you’re doing everything you can to catch the other and prevent him ever doing it again.
All awhile your socializing together and splitting the profits and as a measure of good faith you give the victims back a little bit of what you took from them each year.
Sounds about right don’t you think?

@48thRonin Your analogy of the 2 crooked cops has some merit. But as far as the political talking points, I do not see equivalency. Religion has no value to our society...nor does the right of a mentally imbalance person to own an assault rifle with a 100 round clip...and race speaks for itself. So here are 3 morally bankrupt ideas. Compare that to the Democrats trying to reduce our deficit by not wasting money on needless defense items......and tying to reduce the ever increasing discrepancy between the wealthy and the working class....and trying to reduce the devastating effects of climate change ( horrible storms, draughts, wild fires, etc. already happening and getting worse). One side is working for evil, and the other side is working for good. What is hard to understand about that? Go back to the 2 corrupt cops. They both skim some cash. But one is raping your mother, while the other one is mowing your lawn.

@balance_point Ok

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