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Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point. What seems so often overlooked is how much of 'culture' and customs are based on the theologies that created and oversee them.

One can observe, for example, persons rejecting addiction and courageously fighting 'tooth and nail' to exorcise it, only to end up substituting the addiction (always a substitute to begin with) with another less destructive one. Independence is thus thwarted.

To fully reject Patriarchal theologies, in my view, also means rejecting their cultural products and customs. Most of these are manifested as theologically supportive rituals. Holiday addictions, theologically based child rearing notions are but a few remnants of the psychic infection of 'religion' to which many continue to cling for many reasons. Most of the motivating influences for this come from friends and family and the wish for their acceptance.

How does one reject the notion that gods exist and concern themselves with behaviors of their 'creations', and still run the gauntlet of rituals created for cohesiveness of the 'religious community of believers'? If one gets rid of a cow as an object of sustenance, why continue to consume milk, cheese, butter and hamburgers?

Many who claim freedom from theological indoctrination fail to examine their conduct more closely for these kinds of progress delaying infections. Group, cattle think is another common symptom. What sense does it make to reject costumed male clowns promising 'pie in the sky', only to go pishing after political clowns promising equally worthless pie in the future in return for submission to this or that political ideology? It is only substitution of one kind of addiction for another; one kind of herd think for another.

Silver1wun 7 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, I think you pretty much summed it up! Back to 'the unexamined life, is not worth living!' But, most people seem perfectly satisfied to live an 'unexamined' life...except to 'nail' their sins, and then ask Jesus to forgive them! Apparently, they get this perfected over time...after which...everything else is drowned out!


I find it more helpful to think in epistemological terms. Religious faith (belief without requiring substantiation) is the fundamental problem. The solution is to teach people about logic, the detection and pushback against logical fallacies, evidentiary standards, burden of proof, ways to resist confirmation bias and agency inference, etc. The basic problem is that our social and cultural evolution has way outpaced natural selection. We are living in urban, technological societies using brains evolved for evading predators on the savannah. We have to understand the weaknesses of our own minds and how to control for that.


I don't trust ideological purity. If I wanted that I would go back to being a theist.

If I find a cathedral beautiful I find it beautiful. If I find a hymn nice to listen to, I will listen to it. If I enjoy a holiday I will enjoy the holiday.

If no one is keeping score, and no one cares what I do then why not do what I want? Why bother cutting out all trappings of faith?

I know it is fashionable to believe in complete doctrine purity but the world of ideas is more like buffet, and I for one am very hungry.

To 'trust' ideological purity is to trust the exploded neocortex that is exclusively ours a humans over doctrinal confines contrived by others; others who have no greater share of grey matter than anyone else, save devoting it to the purpose of manipulating others for gain.

Not trusting innate gifts sets one up for exploitation by those claiming superior gifts and in that regard, places one securely in the good company of theists in terms of a shared attitude. Theologians' entire existence depends on instilling distrust of independence of thought and reasoning as early as possible. Perceptual faculties are distorted long before they are allowed to develop and mature. If children were free of religious indoctrination until their ability to reason freely developed, religion wouldn't merit serious discussion.

@Silver1wun alright you give you up all the holidays, art, music and poetry. I am keeping mine and if that makes me dumb in your eyes then so be it.


All religions are total system ideologies (ones which purport to include and explain everything). All total system ideologies (including political ones , like communism) are totalitarian in nature. They will, given half a chance, establish a religiously controlled dictatorship. That is why we CANNOT let evangelical Christians comingle religion and politics. They will create regimes like Iran and Turkey.

I agree that religions should be kept away from the business of lawmaking and self-government. It seems to be easier for the average person to recognize the ways in which religious fundamentalists undermine our secular, Constitutional Republic than to see how it has been and continues to be undermined by Socialism and Globalism.

Progressives have been busily eroding our freedoms and individual independence, arguably, since the time of Woodrow Wilson, with a real surge in the 30's. Seldom do we hear alarms about this long-standing destructive force. It has come to be accepted as commonplace.


I think its good to think deeply about the reasons for things, but I can't get too excited about stripping out every theist inspired tradition.

You must realise that so called "religious" events for example, were actually just adopted by churches for convenience.

Xmas for example, was a solstice thing long before the catholic church made it Jesus birthday.

Take Nics "school calendar works around the church calendar." beef - the French tried to introduce a decimal week after WWII, but it wasn't popular.

Like any kind of evolution, old things usually had a purpose at one time, and it takes a while to re-design new bodies without losing hard won beneficial "habits"

Ritual behaviors serve the purpose of binding together that we as creatures require. We're social. To reject all commonality with others makes one a good candidate for a straight jacket. Speaking of clothing, I think many of our familial and culturally instilled habits are similar to wardrobe style; much like dressing for an occasion. We feel more comfortable in familiar duds as long as they fit our growing bodies (and minds). This is comparable to institutionally issued intellectual attire becoming to 'tight' and confining; as in the case of switching religions or rejecting them for greater comfort. Similar also to your 'evolutionary' comparison.


It’s just like leaving home where one’s Mam looked after the cooking and laundry. Now one has moved into a flat and one has to look after one’s self. James

Leon Level 5 Feb 16, 2018

Yes! Theologies instill the same kind of dependency as loving, doting moms. They often also share the propensity for creating (male) monsters.


It has galled me for years that the school calendar works around the church calendar. Why?

A good example of a ritual artifact deserving of social reexamination. I think it will take a yet to be achieved state of secularity in society.


I like milk, , cheese, butter and hamburgers.

Get thee a 'golden calf'. 🙂

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