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LIGHT starter ideas for Christmas Day?

Amisja 8 Dec 22

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Tiny individual salads.
We do a saucer each with baby leaves shredded, like spinach, rocket and basil. Add walnuts, olives, croutons and drizzle with vinaigrette. Sounds fiddly, but so refreshing before a heavy meal.
Or, family favorite, endive leaves filled with tuna mix (tuna, mayo, creme fraiche and lemonjuice) - two or three on a bed of salad leaves.

Tilia Level 7 Dec 23, 2018

Sounds lovely


Ok I saw this, pears with walnut and dried cranberries served with feta and smoky bacon lardons, strong flavoured leaves and a balsamic glaze. Take out the bacon for veggies and feta for the vegans. My Dad will moan whatever!


Open gifts in Christmas stockings first.

We go around the circle, opening presents while others watch.


Smoked salmon with cream cheese on... well pretty much anything - mini bagels, rye squares, cardboard...




Cheese. I'm told that you can eat whatever you want at Christmas, so I generally start with cheese, followed by a main course of cheese and cheese for dessert. That would be after a breakfast of cheese and before a supper of more cheese. Snacks in between would be cheese.

Jnei Level 8 Dec 22, 2018

Your cheese tray should definitely include cheese, with possibly cheese and cheese, and maybe some cheese on the side for the cheese if you run out of cheese.

@Kafir Did you forget the cheese? It sounds tasty, but in my opinion it definitely needs more cheese.

@Jnei I almost forgot the cheese! Thank you for reminding me! Of course you can't have cheese without cheese... Not to mention cheese with cheese on top. And cheesey cheese to balance out the cheese. That would be Gouda.

@Kafir That sounds a little bland to me. It'd be much better if you added some cheese.

@Jnei well, some like cheese, while others prefer cheese. Still others find cheese to be a better choice. I, myself, prefer cheese with cheese, but that's usually more cheese than most people can handle. So, when faced with such situations, a good compromise for everyone is cheese. And if that doesn't work, maybe cheese? Or perhaps cheese? In the end, so long as they're cheeses and cheese, I'll be fine.

@Kafir But where's the cheese? Goddam it - you need cheese!

@Jnei Oh, yes, of course! What was I thinking!? Cheese is most definitely a must! Thank you again for saving me from a major fromage faux pas!

@Kafir I still think you need to add one extra ingredient.

@Jnei Do I? I think I've got everything... Oh, you know what? I think it could use some cheese. Too much? Nah... Don't care. I'm doing it. Cheese, it is!

@Kafir That's probably not enough cheese. Maybe add some more cheese? With cheese as a garnish?

@Jnei I was thinking fondue... With cheese.

@Kafir And some cheese. Don't want to forget the cheese, do you?

This is definitely the cheesiest discussion I've seen on this site yet.

Cheese it is. Feta the good stuff my in-laws bring us from Cyprus

@Amisja I went out to buy some the other day. "Excuse me," I said to the shop assistant, "do you have any feta cheese?"

"Oh, light spanking, handcuffs - nothing too exotic." he replied.

@inthecloset Has anyone in the entire world not seen that? 😀


Tuc biscuits with stuff on top, like assorted flavour Philadelphia cheese, "caviar", cherry tomato and Marmite, egg mayo, etc.

Or just Tuc. Love em!

@Tilia Vous avez une bonne goute, madame. Les Tucs sont magnifiques.


Well you could always go with a Cava champaign 😉

I like a nice prosecco like:
Nino Franco Prosecco Rustico $16.99 at Total wine

cava Level 7 Dec 22, 2018

Well I am UK and Prosecco costs a fiver in th'Asda 😉

@Amisja Well enjoy!


Prosciutto wrapped mozzarella and assorted crackers. Easy


I love honeydew melon served with Parma ham. Light, delicate and delicious. And easy to prepare.


Open the curtains between 9am and 4pm?


Pigs in blankets are good.


Halogen is too heavy. Go with LEDs.

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