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Xmas in Australia.You can keep your snow and roasted chestnuts. We will be headed for the beach to overindulge in prawns, oysters, crab and crayfish and a few bottles of Chardy. Everyone is invited!

MsDemeanour 8 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Except for those, like me, who prefer an air conditioned house, turkey, vegetables, pudding, and iced honey lemon tea, followed by good coffee. We're not all the stereotype. 🙂

Your English ancestry is showing David!

@MsDemeanour you're right, although it's not always as Anglophile as that at Xmas.


I’ve always wondered …. But party harty - the daylight’s getting shorter 😉

Varn Level 8 Dec 22, 2018

no snow here in Florida where I live. this is a great pick of how a regular day in Clearwater is.

Yes I believe we in Brisbane Aust have similar weather as Florida. Yours will be a very comfortable time.Mine could be stinking hot.

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