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My son just told me to post this to you to let you see the difference in the understanding of scientific matters between the leaders of Canada and the USA. I know who I would rather have with access to that Red not the one who actually has it!

Marionville 10 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Trudeau may have his faults, but by far a better person.

No contest!


We'll trade you! Actually, I wouldn't wish this poor excuse for a leader on anyone.

Nobody deserves Trump! Except the idiots who voted for him.

No thanks.


Trudeau is a very bright guy and self proclaimed feminist.
Trumpski is a stain on America’s reputation in every way possible.


Trump is an imbecile! Plain and simple. Money obviously doesn't give you brains. His base sure lacks them!


Lol ouch that really hurts.


I still miss Pres… our President James Earl Carter, back in the days when experience & intelligence meant something.. In fact, think of the ‘republican presidents' compared to the recent Democrats: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton -- compared to: Ronald Reagan, Bush Jr., and ‘This.’

Varn Level 8 Dec 24, 2018

As much sh×t as Donald Trump gets himself into, he's not capable of pushing the red button.

Even I've come to observe his weaknesses. He's not capable of THAT!

"Bad rep"???? That sounds suspiciously as if you think the negative press is unfair to him. Oh my godlessness!! He is a walking poster child for pathological dishonesty, bigotry and malignant narcissism.
I can only hope that turd has such a "weakness" as not having it in him to press the metaphorical red button. I am not entirely convinced. He has been horrendously, recklessly impulsive about so many other things.

Have to disagree with that assessment; I think that it's precisely because he is such a weak person that he would be willing...perhaps even push the button if he is in a situation where doing so would make him look strong...

Can’t agree there....I think he is!

Sure he is...its a button....& he wants to push it, spoilt little brat that he is.


I still don't understand why people voted for that guy thinking he would be a good world leader.

djs64 Level 7 Dec 24, 2018

Bingo! People would tell me they will vote for Trump because Hillary is such a liar, or else they wanted a fresh voice. So, they made Twump their champion? <heartburn>

The hate I’ve heard for Hillary is beyond my comprehension. About 13% of Bernie supporters voted for Trump. When I’ve asked seemingly intelligent people why they voted for Trump all I got back was that Hillary was evil, crooked, warmonger, and such. Vague accusations spread by Fox News and the Republican propaganda machine without any specifics or actual crimes.

@jerry99 I, too, have long been miffed about the irrational hatred for Hillary. I think we are seeing the effects of the long running misinformation and hysteria coming from Fox " News ".

That scum-p is no leader!

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