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Just because something is unknown doesn't mean it's God, anyone else encountered this?

KarlWright 4 Dec 24

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I know that we’re all just so far advanced that we actually have all the answers...
yeah we don’t technically we’re somewhere in a preadolescent stage as far as our technological development.

So with that being said our whole planet at one time believed in nothing but god’s and 500 years we just discovered the other side of the earth.

So just like as done with children if they ask The Who, what, when, why and how’s of every fucking thing and we honestly don’t but at the same time we don’t want to jeopardize the trust that our children have in us we tell them something that they cannot prove or disprove.

And guess what homie that’s how humanity has functioned for tens of thousands of years. So to say that just because science is starting to catch on and evolve throughout humanity doesn’t mean everyone will drop their religious artifacts and assimilate.

Like I said tens of thousands of years vs hundreds of years. ??


I don't know, therefore aliens.

Ok I just hope that I’m alive or well for that matter to at least have the answers for damn near every pyramid on this planet or are you willing to bet it all on sheer coincidence.
Not saying that it’s aliens but I will never say that it wasn’t either.

@48thRonin It's actually pretty simple. That's the best way to stack stones without them falling over.

Actually, if you watched this, they present some valid arguments for the ancient alien theory. Some of it is far reaching, but other parts of it are logical deductions with the evidence we know. Flying models that are aerodynamically accurate, Giza power plant and physical evidence to support the claim. I'm not saying it's proof, but neither do I say completely dismiss the idea and chose to not look at it from other perspectives. Approaching problems with an open mind has lead to some amazing results in science over the years.

@eric788 Ok but why did everyone decide to stack stones and why did most of those who did do so in order to align them with a similar solar system?

Just saying that all children learn to stack blocks but it’s only something when they all stack them in a nearly identical manner and pattern that’s when it’s no longer a matter of practicality.

@48thRonin Religious reasons and quite simply, those in the northern hemisphere were seeing the same night sky, same stars, same constellations. Again, the reason they stacked them in a nearly identical matter was because it works. No need to invent wacko reasons.


there'll always be gaps in between the ears of people who say that


Can't remember the source, but I read somewhere about religion retreating to smaller and smaller niches as science removes the foundations from most of their dogma.


Oh, yeah! I've actually seen people who decide that, just because THEY don't understand how evolution's GOT to be false! Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. --Arthur C. Clarke


Science will fill in the gaps. It's a matter of time until it's figured out. I wish there were less fools in the world.


God of the gaps. Typical and constant argument. Every new discovery paints their god into the corner a little more. Most of the time they bring up the same old arguments ad nauseam. It’s like trying to teach calculus to a three year old.

@irascible yep like teaching calculus to a three year old.


Sadly, all the time.


"Science is making new discoveries every year," I tell Christians who challenge my atheism. That shuts them up on that point.

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