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A little over a year ago, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I went through 12 rounds of chemotherapy and was declared in remission in August. I still deal with the effects of treatment, including bouts of fatigue and ongoing neuropathy (nerve pain) in my hands and feet... They say that dealing with a serious illness changes you forever, and not just physically... Chemo burned out my insides; I thought it would have knocked me down lower than I've ever been before. But instead it created a phoenix slowly rising from the ashes... Life is more meaningful than it's ever been, even before I got sick.

bleurowz 8 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Thank you all for your wonderful comments. Been a bit of a delay for me to follow up with responses. I appreciate all the good wishes.


So sorry for your long road, so happy you're coming back! I delivered for meals on wheels. One of my people on my route would always ask what's dessert. I'd tell her and she would eat that first. I asked her why she always are dessert first. She replied " est dessert first besides life is uncertain." wise words!!!


I found that people who had the same diagnosis and treatment had wildly different stories. I think attitude has a lot to do with that. I wish you continued health and recovery.


I had a relatively easy time with cancer as I had no chemo so I consider myself very fortunate.
But I was initially told I was stage 4 and was 2 weeks before that information was corrected.

Facing death changes a person. Happy it was for the better with you and I


I know only people who have died of cancer. So I understand when you are happy. I only hope that your recovery continues. You have great courage😉


Thanks for giving your story. That's fantastic. We wish you the very best as you rebuild.


My friend, I am so glad you are on the mend! I have a great-nephew who developed leukemia his senior year in highschool. He got treatment and recovered, then went to a camp in Minnesota (I can't recall all details) and met a young girl there, recovering from your condition. They both got masters degrees and are teachers with 2 beautiful young children, now! Life goes on...claim yours and take whatever time you need to get back to your 'good as new' self! My very best to you...


Good to read. Sounds like you came through a lot better than most of us would have. Uplifting


Get Well and live Long.

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