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An interesting article on out growing religion and why those belief systems remain long after we no long believe in god.

Surfpirate 9 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Started questioning Catholicism as far back as can recall. However the guilt clearly found a home in me.

Coulda been worse, you could have been raised Jewish. 😉


I stated to leave religion when I was about 10. Was a full on Atheist by 20. Wasn't a college thing just figured it was what it is. A made up fable to control the population. If I was going to replace religion it would be with rational Free Thought. To me it's a no brainer.

You are a rarer bird than perhaps you realize.

Pretty much the same road for me, just never did the college thing, blue collar worker. Never fell into the guilt hole but it sure made for some comedic moments withsitcoms and comedians. I had Catholic girlfriends and they would try to explain it to me, I thought it very strange indeed and they thought I was a heathen.

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