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Political affiliation and religious belief

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AnnaMD 5 Dec 28

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And yours is.???


I don't affiliate with either political party. Both parties suck for different reasons. However, Republicans tends to suck a little bit more than Democrats due to my political beliefs (liberal).


Bleeding heart liberal Democrat and God isn't real.


I was going to do a poll like this but it seems redundant to ask which political party you support on an athiest site. I don't understand how you can say you're an athiest and vote Republican.
What would be your issue that makes you support the RNC, taxes, guns, imigration, that would make you support a religous based government party?

My guess is that lots of Libertarian atheists support the Repubs for guns, taxes, immigration, and most of all, free market economics because they feel that voting LIb. in general elections is a waste. Same as socialists and progressives that hold their nose and vote Dem in general elections so they don't feel they're wasting their vote.


Independent & Atheist/Agnostic


None of the above. I'm an atheist with mostly right-leaning political views. With that said, I'm registered Independent.


Socialist and Atheist/Agnostic. The Dems don't represent me at all on issues of economics or foreign policy.


Not US - so Democrat/Republican doesn't fit.

Besides, considerably more liberal/left-wing/progressive than the majority of the Democratic party.



Atheist & Monster Raving Looney (Probably only makes sense to UK viewers) 🙂


Socialist Atheist. I'm much like Jesus really, only I don't think I'm god.


I am currently a registered Green , in the state of Ohio , as I voted in the latest primary election with a Green ballot . And I am an agnostic atheist .


Libertarian and A/A


I’m agnostic/atheist and could be called a socialist, or anarcho-syndicalist; I’m about ready to burn this mother down lol. In the US, both political parties represent the wealthy, powerful, corporate interests. I align more with the D team ideologically, but I’m no longer interested in the games they’re playing.

I hear you. Don't you get sick of the Dem loyalists lecturing us about "wasting our votes" by not voting Dem.?

Republiocrats. I send Sanders a bit of dough. The DNC put Trump in office and will re-elect him.


I am left of center and not registered with any party.
Agnostic in belief

Unity Level 7 Sep 7, 2021
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