13 6

So seriously, I think this is the root of our problems. Almost all of them actually:


7.5 fucking billion of us fuckers? How in the hell can the Earth sustain that?


marmot84 7 Dec 28

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I don't think it is sustainable. However, with climate change the earth will become muich less habitable for human life. So, in a sense the earth will take care of itself. I am not saying that is a godo outcome. I am just not surprised by the projections, considering what we are doing to the planet.


If birth rates continue to fall as they do we will probably reach a plateau at around 11 Billion. Here are some measures that can help (from wikipedia):
"Factors generally associated with decreased fertility include wealth, education, female labor participation, urban residence, intelligence, increased female age, women's rights, access to family planning services and (to a lesser degree) increased male age."
So all we need to do is support poorer countries instead of exploiting them further. When the global birth rate gets even lower than the current 2.1 children per woman we might even see a decline in the long run.

Dietl Level 7 Dec 29, 2018

We need a cull of the ignorant and stupid...present company excluded naturally! The religious need to stop breeding, it’s frightening how they proliferate. Go forth and multiply is one aphorism from the bible that they all take literally.

@maturin1919 It is just a “fantasy” of mine, it’s never going to happen....! Anyone who believes there is no such thing as global warming and climate change would be high on my “fantasy list” and those who keep breeding like rats would also be on my list.


These neo-Malthusian fears have always been without substance. We have been warned about this for two hundred years, and technological advances have always kept ahead of the growing populations. Here is the 1968 version of the dire population warnings. []

A current real problem is that women in advanced countries are not having enough children. The only exception is Israel. In the USA we have a tradition of welcoming immigrants, which helps make up for the inadequate birth rate.

It is possible that the low sunspot activity we are currently experiencing may lead to a little ice age in the next 35 years, perhaps strongly impacting agricultural production. If that comes to pass, then we might finally see the shortage of food we have been warned about for 200 years. Or perhaps human ingenuity, our greatest resource, will find a way to solve that problem too.

Seriously, I don't think so. The problem with the argument that in the past it has always been OK because of technological advancements is obvious. I don't think that the first world population growth is really at all important at the moment. The first world can do whatever the fuck it wants - that isn't foing to change the dynamic.

When I was a kid there were 3.2 billion people the first time I was old enough to be aware that population was aa countable number and that that was what it was. Since then, well we can all see what has happened. I remember the predictions. Hell, they are now coming true. The next 30 years will tell the story not some tired truism about how the present will be just like the past.

At the very least we should actually think about these things rather than react to them as if we didn't know.

Sunspots causing "global cooling" is BS and you know it. Stop spouting RW talking points. I've seen the articles. They are no more meaningful than several others that say exactly the opposite. You don't know the future and neither do I but the overwhelming scientific evidence points to substantial warming by the end of the century and it is well underway or didn't you notice?

@marmot84 Sorry that you are both ill-mannered and badly informed. Nothing more to say except check the weather in 5 years. It is already getting colder, and that will continue.


I couldn't agree more! The fact that we humans can so readily procreate seems like a cruel joke of nature. Does that sound cynical? Probably.


12 billion to 13 billion by 2100. How are we going to feed all of these people?

I don't think we can. Maybe, but we had better start to think about it. I want my granddaughter to have a world she can really live in.


It appears the crux of world-wide problems. Purposely limited my reproduction to ‘replacements’ … only to watch the ignorant continue to bread, ‘christians’ included.. Do my best to limit consumption ..while watching others gobble it up. Fuckers indeed!

Varn Level 8 Dec 28, 2018

But I really don't know if it helps if smart people stop breeding. We need more smart people not more of the Trump knee jerk types.

@marmot84 We will grow ever less intelligent and ever more dependent on technology to keep us alive, until a point is reached where we no longer have the means to repair the technology when it fails. Then we go extinct. Or the second possiblity is that as we are now a number one food source for parasites, so that sooner or later there will be a global pandemic, and there are not enough resouces left for us to rebuild civilization, this is the better outcome since we will not then go extinct.


About 3.9 billion when I was born and close to ten if I live to 80. Not reproducing needs incentives. Tax breaks for getting snipped. Despite being pessimistic I don’t believe humanity will go extinct. We might drop 95% of the population or more but pockets of people will survive solely based on we’re kinda clever creatures.


Actually that’s a good question but technically I believe that the earths population would actually fit into Alaska with everyone having a 1/4 acres of land.

The only problem that we really face is in cities where the populations are near 10 million.
Everyone is stacked on top of one another and it just creates nothing but waste and pollution.

Yes, I don't want to accept it but it is none the less true.


The fact is 7.5 billion of anything is a plague. Eventually, the earth will correct this, most likely in the form of a global pandemic or we'll just keep breeding until our numbers can't be sustained. One way or another, we'll eventually go extinct.

Comments like that are the reason I never get offered jobs as a motivational speaker.

Yes, in the long run Global Warming is going to change things if nothing else does but I honestly think other issues will start to trim the human population before climate change becomes the major factor.

Don't get me wrong, we should do whatever the fuck we can to avert climate change but this shit is real, and it is going to be the 6th extinction event and humans are likely to be the true target of this extinction event.


Maybe if we quit screwing things up in their countries, they wouldn't need escape ours. It's funny how the powers that be want freedom of movement for and stuff. But for people, it's walls and bullets.

There is truth to that.


So yeah, I think we see a crises coming ... maybe the immigration crises from hell. I mean the folks down south are going to want the stability that we in the Northern Hemisphere have. I hate the whole "wall" crap since is it is simplistic to the extreme but the truth is that immigration is coming build a fucking wall or not it is coming and we can't stop it unless we decide to become Nazi's which we can't

If you've ever been to the Southern Hemisphere you know that it is unstoppable. Believe it or not, the world is going to change and the fucking stupid wall isn't going to do jack shit.

Luckily humans have not invented ropes, ladders...or sticks dig holes beneath fences. What a stupid waste of time and .

@greyeyed123 nor airplanes, boats, bribs, etc. It is remarkably stupid. As one Democratic congressperson said "A 5th century solution to a 21st century problem..."

@marmot84 If they really wanted to curb illegal immigration, they would have onerous fines on any employer who hired them without e-verify, etc., but no one will do that because they want the cheap labor AND the political fear mongering to distract from serious issues.

@greyeyed123 Right but they want that illegal immigration. They are really confused about how someone can not be selfish. The wall is a symbol for Orange's base. That is all that it ever was or will be - even it is actually built.


10 Billion by 2050. Over population fuckers!!

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