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As if the stress of the day weren't overwhelming enough. It's just a super busy day at work, which would normally be great, except that today I'm already emotionally screaming.

To top it off, so my work alternates holidays on and off in groups.

Being the kind childless person I am I have taken every single fucking holiday this year.

I calmly said "hey since I worked every single holiday this year, I should have new years off. Well, I'd be happy to work someone's new year if they'd work the 5th, because I'm going to drive 5 hours to Kansas city, get every inch of my body stabbed and electrocuted and drive back on the 4th, and I'd like a day off to recover."

So I am now working new years AND the 5th.

And then the next week I get 7 fucking days in a fucking row.

Do I REAAAAAAALLY need a job?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Calling out sick is your friend.


I understand. I have two jobs and over the holidays I have worked a months worth of hours in two weeks.


I think maybe a quiet "No" might work.

That's really ridiculous.

My parents and I have made the decision that no matter what happens we are going to tell the neurologist that I am just not able to work anymore and that he needs to put in my records that I cannot work anymore and then we are going to use that to sue Disability like what a friend of mom did. The problem is that took her 2 years of fighting, where she still worked full time even though she couldn't work.

I'd probably be better off going off my mental illnesses, but alas, being employed makes it hard.

@LadyAlyxandrea Seems like your employer is intent on working you into the ground?

I am sorry for what's ahead of you but you can only push so long. I am really shocked Drs never bring up disability to their patients? I'm wondering if the feel they can be blamed if it doesn't happen?

@LadyAlyxandrea File for disability as soon as you can, does not matter if you get it, but that date will be the date they pay from if you are ever allowed to get it. Take as many attempts as you can and do not give up. You should get disability and you will have to fight for it. Kate cannot work and lost her chance for disability because she took to long to try to get it. There is a time limit so go for it and do not give up.

@dalefvictor already applied and denied

@LadyAlyxandrea You are on to the process, I mean you have a claim active. It is always denied at first, keep at it, you will not get it unless you keep at it. I think they think that if you do not pursue your case it is not really worth pursuing. Keep at it. Oh I have heard and believe that if you hire a lawyer that Disability pays the lawyer. You might want to check on this as I know many lawyers that would love to get paid twice for the same work.

@dalefvictor I was turned down by the lawyer but I'm hoping with a doctor vouching they'll change their mind

@LadyAlyxandrea Now I have not heard of a lawyer turning down something like this. Perhaps you need another lawyer. Actually I did some research some time ago as there were adverts on the Tube, the guy that shows up with the cowboy hat apparently is really good at this. (He has many lawyers that work for him and that is all they do) I will search for the name and get back to you.

@LadyAlyxandrea I'd ask around for a lawyer who specializes in your type of disorder as well. That's what I went with. He knew precisely what information needed to be gathered.

He also knew the Social Security Doctor and Audiologist was complete and utter BS. (As did I). Yes they had a hearing specialist determine my readiness and ability to return to work - though to the best of my knowledge - my hearing was NOT the issue.

@RavenCT kind of hard to find anyone who knows about EDS even doctors sigh

@LadyAlyxandrea I found one who specialized in Fibro back in the day - but not in my state. He did it all by electronics. And he won. He knew what they needed.
I found him on a board with other folks with the same disability so that might be a good place to look for a lawyer recommendation?
The one I got for free? Was terrible. The one who won? Cost me a percentage of the payout. But at that point was well worth it.


Why are you being stabbed and electrocuted?

Nerve conduction study. They think I have MS or ALS

@LadyAlyxandrea OK. I hope they are wrong.

@DenoPenno I don't. I've been hearing "well it isnt this or that so idk" for 4 years now and I'm just ready to know what it is. Even if it's terrible it's better than having no idea.

@LadyAlyxandrea Those studies suck. I've had them. Can anyone go with you to share the drive?

@RavenCT my mama is going but she is also dragging me to visit my uncle and our friend Mija who was in a car accident 5 years ago that left her severely brain afamaged and disabled. Mom was actually the first person on the scene and the only reason mija survived was because my mom us an emt.

Anyway I do want to see them as well. But no matter what I do this is gonna be a horrific trip.

Nerve conduction test I can handle. Heck the lumbar puncture is preferable to the EMG though

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