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Since there seems to be a good bit of activity today about woo-wooness, I thought I would add this from a "Holistic Healer" in Eugene, OR. I did not make this up, link below:

"Crystal Therapy is a healing modality used by John of God that uses seven specially cut quartz crystals that are suspended over the body. The crystals pulse light and color through the client’s aura creating a spiraling amplification of pranic energy from the root to the crown chakra."


Mitch07102 8 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Hmm. I prefer cutting off the head and tail of a swamp snake and mixing that over a low fire with a little brick dust and spunk water. Good mojo.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 2, 2019

How is this so distinguishable from our collective belief in the value of a diamond? Who hasn't paid an exorbitant price for a diamond bling for someone or for ourselves?


Not me . I refused I diamond when married 23 yr ago . I asked for a simple silver band . I will never get married again I am pretty sure , but if I was to , I will make sure nobody seals the " deal " w such offerings ?

@maturin1919 I don't know. But I suspect that is beside the point that I was trying to make. 🙂

The point is that the diamond is expensive also as a result of collective myth, one that is far more prevalent than the crystal myth. (Crystal meth? LOL!) But both myths enrich the few at the expense of many.

@Donotbelieve I have. Knowing all this. 🙂 So I am not casting any stones.


I had a friend who was dying of cancer. She went to Brazil to see John of God and came back saying it was wonderful. She still died from the cancer, but I guess she felt good for a while.

Bourbon would be cheaper and based in reality. But if it helped her, good for her.


I can't even understand what that says 🙂


I definitely believe in the magic of crystals, I can change pretty rocks into green paper.

W dead presidents on it ? ??????

@Pralina1 You bet. I used to always have clusters on my desk, and if someone wanted me to part with them, I knew just enough mythology and marketing to profit off my collections. I actually preferred the paper with pictures of an inventor/printer. (Franklin)


Much easier to believe this stuff than to do the hard work of eating well and moving our bodies...people want a quick and easy fix for their poor lifestyle choices...


You really want to feel healed?.....take a hit of this..???


I just have to throw this here , just can't restrain self ?


@Captain_Feelgood homeopathy and holistic and crystals and essential oils make me laugh to tears . Pills and pills for everything , it makes me cry , and yes , it keeps us in buisness ? Both ridiculous for different reasons , somewhere in the middle , mindfulness ? At the very least , research , relax and find ways to be " alive " mentally and emotionally ! The physical part mostly follows if the mind is hapoy . Of course , not always the case , tell 6 yr old cancer Johny that , and he will slap u , but u know what I mean .


Crystals are pretty but that's about it ...

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