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Your on a plane and the person sitting next to you has extreme BO. What would you do ??

Marine 8 Jan 2

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Well, to keep from passing out I would ask one of the flight attendants to change seats, provided there are any.


I experienced this with smelly, sweating, obese seatmates whose excess tissue (fat) took up over half of my seat. Torture.

His/her body ballooned over and under the armrest. I spent 5-1/2 hours painfully perched on one hip, jammed against the window.

Every seat was full on the airplane.

I mean... that sucks, but it's not like they can help it. Being fat is a little different than failing to take a shower. Plane seats don't do anyone any favors. My roommate is quite overweight and I can only imagine her distress and embarrassment at having to fly for the fear that someone would be a jerk to her about her weight. Fat people need to go places too.


Extremely obese people need to pay for two seats, instead of taking up over half of my seat. I paid for that space.


Speak to the stewardess about it. Otherwise not much you can do, after all how many planes do have showers and washing machines.


I live in Florida and spend a lot of time outside.

Guess B.O. is something I can deal with for a few hours


Break out the perfume!

JGal Level 7 Jan 2, 2019

Step outside for some fresh air.


Kindly stand up, grab my deodorant out of my carry on (because fuck paying for check in fees) and quietly hand it to him and say "please do the right thing and I'll buy you a drink"


Having been in this situation I asked the hostess to change my seat. Since there were no other seats available i complained that he should not have been allowed to board the plane. My ticket was refunded in full and I still had my return flight ticket.

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