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Auto pilot, a Buddhist,
hears a wee cricket,
and swerves to save it.

by EdEarl Ross

EdEarl 8 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Instinctive move. I would do the same thing. Right now I'm individually lassoing the marmorated stink bugs that have invaded my home, and relocating them to the garden one at a time. Yesterday I removed a mouse from the premises and last week it was a chipmunk. I cannot kill anything. Can't and won't.

What about a tick or a mosquito on your body sucking your blood? I understand what you are saying and I agree, but there has to exceptions at times.

I draw the line at any mosquito trying to suck my blood, they carry disease. But, I don't use insecticides to kill them. In addition, cockroaches are repulsive and I do put out bait to control them in the house. If those two stay outside and leave me alone; I don't bother them. I'm vegan, but not for ethical reasons, for health and the environment.

"In Tibet, where historically meat was the most common food, most monks historically have been omnivores, including the Dalai Lamas." -- []

The same article contains this quote, "People think of animals as if they were vegetables, and that is not right. We have to change the way people think about animals. I encourage the Tibetan people and all people to move toward a vegetarian diet that doesn't cause suffering."
— Dalai Lama

My position is similar.

@jlynn37 Self defense, baby! I just don't see the point of taking a life that's not trying to take yours.


... running over a trail of ants in the process.

Perfection is impossible.


As a Buddhist, I approve this message. 😉

Thank you.

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