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I need a really good argument for an Atheist vs Christian FB group. I can't figure out if they're all just crazy 12 yo's or if I should stick around with the popcorn?

As I didn't get here by way of Hitch or Dawkins - any recommendations?

Thanks all! (And keep it simple please - they seem - well simple?). But worth trying you know? 😉

RavenCT 9 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Recently saw a paraphrase of Betty Bowers on here that suggested, since God & Jesus are one and the same, Jesus slept with his mom to conceive himself. Put that one on the line, see if it gets any bites.


Fakebook is fraudulent


"The Bible is laden with contradictions that can be reconciled only by contorted logic, improbable conjecture, and leaps of faith." - psychologist Dr Valerie Tarico


IMO it's usually best to leave the small minded ones alone to swim in the kiddie pool.

I just need to make sure no one is looking for a rescue though... than I can leave... 😉
I suspect they want to keep their small pond but I'd hate to leave a baby Atheist behind!


What did you use to convince yourself?

skado Level 9 Jan 4, 2019

All the contradictions. Every single one of them. From a very young age.

Around the point where I realized that we wouldn't know good versus evil without the knowledge of the apple? Yup full on did not make sense to me. But that's the way my brain works?
And that's not how it is for many. (Apparently) Or my siblings wouldn't be religious anymore.

There’s an old saying that goes something like: “You can’t reason someone out of an idea they were never reasoned into.”

So those who arrived at their conviction by means other than reason aren’t going to be influenced by a rational plea. Those folks are usually not going to change, but if they do, it is usually by some personal crisis that they have to work themselves out of, not by impersonal argumentation from a stranger.

A better approach might be to just get to know them as a friend, and come to understand the foundations of their belief, while modelling your convictions, rather than talking about them? I dunno, it’s difficult to know what’s best. I try to reserve my arm-twisting for people who demonstrate some capacity for reason and express an interest.


What could your child do for you to not only disown them, but condemn them to torture for even 1 year?

But modern Christianity asserts God will desert us for not acknowledging him as god? Is he THAT insecure to need validation from those he loves?

Alternative lead in question, name 1 person you love that would would be willing to torture for even 1 day?


Another very good argument is that christianity claims that there was a sacrifice of the "son of god", yet he rose afterward and ascended to heaven. But if he rose from the dead, where indeed was the sacrifice?

THHA Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

One of the most convincing things I have seen online is this photo . . . it is damn difficult for them to answer.

THHA Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

Yup I like that. A lot. Stealing.


Here is some pretty good ammo I have compiled . . . Many people, especially those who profess Christianity, believe that theirs is an omnipotent God, who created the universe, who is "love". But, if you could create a universe, and you were indeed the embodiment of love, would you create a universe were beings of that world would prey upon other beings.......a world where it is necessary for beings to consume other life in order to live? I think not.
Suppose that you go to your doctor because you are sick, and after the usual check-in, you are brought to the examination room. When your doctor comes in, there may be the short bit of small-talk, then he asks you your symptoms. You tell him, and then, to your utter astonishment, he says "Unless you acknowledge to me, that I am a doctor, and address me as Dr. Smith, I will not treat you." I think that the average person, with any common sense, would not wait around to be treated by that so-called doctor! This analogy can be applied to Jesus. Why does he insist that others acknowledge his title? Would someone with a normal bearing in life, having a title, (as would a true doctor) feel a need to have their title acknowledged?
When there is a great social stigma attached to a particular thing, it is not uncommon for people to do everything they can to hide this stigma from society. In historical times, it was a very serious thing. What better way to attempt to convince others that you were indeed of legitimate birth, lacking any other proof, than to claim to have descended from God himself! So much for immaculate conception.
The idea of "original sin" is preposterous, from a humanistic perspective, and from a realistic perspective. It is simply a dinosaur that was carried from the past, when the disgrace of an individual was considered the disgrace of every generation afterward. The average person does not hold things against children who error for the rest of their lives or for eternity, for that matter. Besides, one does not learn, without making errors.
There are plenty of people who profit by keeping others away from enlightenment. The dissemination of lies is motivated mostly by greed, but also the want of power. It is a parasitical relationship.
Some people are just lazy..............they don't want to even take the time to actively try to be of any benefit to humanity, so they give their money to the priest, whom they assume (a lot of times falsely) will do good for them, or at the very least, absolve them............. These priests are suppose to be wise men and are suppose to give guidance to the general public . . but they are also suppose to live a life of semi-seclusion and remain a virgin all their lives. If I want to learn how to fire a cannon though, I'll go to someone who has done it, thank you.
Who could imagine a parent so pernicious as to condemn their children to suffer eternally? Yet, when the idea of eternal punishment is supported by biblical text, it seems to be ok to people....... If you love someone, placing conditions on that is counter-productive. As Nietzsche would say, "Whatever is done from love occurs beyond good and evil".
And, last but by far not least, religion is a prejudicial mental state of separating yourself from others . . . . from the earliest times, religion has encouraged man to believe that he is above the animals in this world, and, not only the animals, but also other humans who do not embrace his "god". This concept of separation from the class, "animal", leads man to believe that he is justified in anything that he does to any "lower" sentient being, up to and including other humans who happen to not buy into his bull shit story concerning "god". This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why governments, almost always, without exception, support some form of religious belief, because it can be used to justify mass murder of those who are deemed as non-believers. History is full of this stuff, yet they claim it is "LOVE", or the "Will of God". Hogwash, it is evil, and it is evil to the core!

THHA Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

some people just won't realize. once somebody figures it out, they can't imagine how idiotic it is to believe the bullshit.

i like the atheist groups in fb... there's this one guy that keeps on and keeps on trying to come up with proof that god exists and everybody keeps on bashing him. that guy is ken lawrence on the Deism, Atheism, Theism, Agnosticism, Philosophy, Discussion Group. it's hillarious

Obviously I've been missing out. 😉

@RavenCT [] that's the group


Without getting too graphic, here's my simplest argument.

Simple is good - but I'd hate the answer to that one. I've heard it before. (sigh).

@RavenCT I've heard it many times too. But even my very godly sister knows she can't defend it without doing some serious contortions of logic. I have no interest in talking her out of her beliefs, and I have no problem calling b.s. when I'm confronted about mine.


Yes you've made me re-think this. They may be luring atheists in to troll them? I'll see how my first response went over.... 😉

I do think something someone else has spit out will work just fine for this group.

They seem pretty set in their ways and yet - there they are in a group asking for debate? Are they just trolls for Jesus or what? I'm perplexed. I won't spend a lot of time on this - but I'm just enough of a student of human nature that I have to peek back in from time to time.

Yes I followed another atheist in and somehow ended up added to the group days later... sigh. Sometimes my impulse to help out does me in. But hey maybe they'll think for a second? Who knows. Worth a second or two of thought certainly.


Oh always a good choice.

@RavenCT They’re really good and not shocking like Bill Maher and Ricky Gervais. The latter I love.

@Sydland Me too but they'd never last through that. lol


There are Sooo many arguments to demonstrate how flawed the faith (belief without evidence) based theists are.

Depends on what sort of BS they are trying to spew. I am rather fond of (youtube) anticitizenX. Worth your time to watch all his work. The Atheist Experience is also worth time. The Bible Reloaded is a hoot but may not be helpful. Another wonderful source is Steve Shives (Youtube) an his An Atheist Reads. Series is wonderful. dozens of hours but also worth your time.

Give me an example of their assertions and I'll happily give you some really good resources and responses.


You are venturing into a no win situation arguing with Christians (or most any religious individuals). It has been going on for centuries with the same results. If you feel that you must do this for whatever reason, I do wish you well and success in your efforts.

I have never had success online but in real life, I've de-converted a few theists. Face to Face you can analyse their reaction and quickly address their errors in reason with examples and compassion. Words online do not give you the same level of power.

@NoMagicCookie Again, I wish you well and success in your efforts.

@jlynn37 Online my objective is to expose their errors and watch them evaporate. I've noted a few theists replies on this site quietly disappear when I destroy their flawed assertions. I do not anticipate de-converting any hardened theist online.

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