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Stupid Trump. Stupid wall. Stupid Senate.
Stupid government. We are all going to die.
Have a nice day!

Bendog 7 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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If thats all there is then lets keep dancing....

?@Bendog maybe a saber dance




We've survived worse than Trump and so I have full confidence that we'll survive his time in office. We're better than one person or his/her administration/followers. At one time I was forlorn and negative but now I choose not to talk politics aside from responding to your post. I choose instead to focus on the things that bring a smile to my face or cause me to have a hearty chuckle.


"Trump wants to fulfill his campaign promise," Trumpsters say about his stupid wall.

Not true. Trump's promise was bragging that he would make MEXICO pay for the wall. Of course Mexico isn't paying for his wall.

He expects American taxpayers to pay $5 billion for a wall that won't solve anything.

Now President Cheeto is throwing a tantrum and hurting Americans by shutting down our government. What a stupid, ignorant, racist, narcissistic, selfish asshole.

Vote Republicans out of office!

Too bad that will never happen. There's just too many like Trump in this country that will always believe Republicans are right and Democrats are wrong. Too bad we have a 2 party system. Its starting to look more and more like the North versus the South - deja vu all over again.

@Dave75 no link or anything but some time ago I read that he had a Mexican buddy in the megaconcrete biz that he was wanted to get involved


Yes ... sooner or later


That’s the spirit!


Ahh...this made me feel so much better about...well nothing, this made me feel better about nothing lolol


Nothing like a cheery post! Have a nice day!


Of course we are all going to die. That was never up for consideration. Of course all the rest is also an accepted conclusion.

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