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I got a post on my FB from an exchange student and my friend from 1964 in Kansas. He is from Afghanistan, and he's a major successful photographer today. He wrote, not just for me, that the new Congressperson from Detroit who used "motherfucker" in a public way was acting against his faith, and should be condemned. Well, I'm not Muslim, and I don't hold any religious traditions in very high esteem, but if someone publicly wants to point out that 45 is a motherfucker, as in Kick Ass II, then I give that person full authority.

jggrow 3 Jan 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Does he know what kind of language T.Rump has used? Or is swearing only forbidden for women? Probably.

Carin Level 8 Jan 6, 2019

If it wasn't for "motherfuckers" this character would not even exist, as is true for everyone. The primary way to get pregnant and become a mother is to be fucked by a "motherfucker".


It's a tempest in a teapot. If THE motherfucker doesn't like it, tough shit. If other motherfuckers don't like it, tough shit. This is a woman who ran for office because her own sons were worried about whether they had a legitimate place as Americans. She was speaking directly to those sons and their concerns. And so I say, dog bless her.

She's a firebrand, and I don't personally "do" firebrand, as a rule, but I'm "mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" and so in the weird shadow of Trump's America, I see her as a kindred spirit ... maybe as someone with the youth, energy, and hubris I no longer have. And so I say, dogspeed.

I'm not a politician and so I don't know whether the self-styled Steady Old Hands of the party are right that impeachment is premature, that we don't have all the facts or enough facts, or it's not politically feasible, that too much of the public will turn on us. I tend to think they're full of crap. If Trump, after two years of bald-faced lying, gaslighting, cheating, demonstrated corrupt intent / dealing, parroting enemy propaganda, employing convicted felons, destroying the environment, and SO much more, can't be impeached, then impeachment would never be a feasible option under any circumstance. Also ... seems to me that Trump is far more impeachable than even Nixon, and certainly than Clinton.

Finally, this government shutdown is little more than a distraction to buy time. As soon as the 2020 primary season is in full swing, the GOP can argue that impeachment would somehow take away from the people the right to decide at the (gerrymandered) ballot box whether Trump should be President. If you want to make a cynical political feasibility calculation, then consider THAT.

I keep saying that Trump was not made president at the ballot box. He was chosen, appointed if you will, president by the electoral college.

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