DONALD TRUMP IS a National Emergency! Tonight he goes on live TV to talk to the nation about border security and his border wall. Can we assume he is going to ask us for money or beg us in any way? My best take on it is that he will declare a state of national emergency. This means that his holding the nation hostage has not worked for him so he is taking the next big step. It also will mean instant lawsuits against his actions. Trump wants to rule by fiat and does not understand the workings of law.
Democrats are already asking for equal time. Do we think they will get it or is what Trump does simply assumed to be law? DONALD TRUMP IS a National Emergency!
This was discussed a lot on NPR this morning. It was also mentioned that if he did call a national emergency he could be guilty of improperly exercising his powers. He would have to pay a price for this. I, for one, have no intention of listening. One should be totally convinced this %#^*& fuhrer is incapable of telling even a modicum of truth. Complete wast of time hearing any crap from him.