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Has anyone ever been to a tattoo expo? I'm planning on going to one with some friends & was just wondering what to expect/how it's gone for others.

Decieven 7 Jan 8

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You will have so many choices. Hope you have and idea in mind. And more important is to find a hand that draws what you like.


I’ve been to a few of and that’s where I’ve found some of the best free hand artists. So go and check them out and see who’s style best fits what you’re looking for. And hopefully we’ll see some post of your new ink.


I've been to one. There were many different artists from the local area and from all over the world. I loved watching the Japanese tattoo artists work. Expect a lot of buzzing noise from all the tattooing going on. It could get pretty overwhelming with so many artists from different tattoo studios all in one place. But it was interesting seeing all the tattoo designs and portfolios, and learning about the new styles and types of tattoos. If you want to get a tattoo done by one of the artists, it's best to book way ahead of the expo because most would be fully booked before then.

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