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Report on dating scammers! I just went back on Plenty of Fish, and I have the latest updates on spotting scammers...they have gotten a bit better since I was last there.

  1. Elaborate explanation (several paragraphs!) explaing their "odd accent", even before exchanging numbers (Do Not exchange personal info until at least one face-to-face!!!)
  2. Claims to be a financial planner or similar money-related occupation.
  3. Never answers any specific direct questions you ask, just replies with generic feel-good "one day when we fall into each others arns" claptrap. I usually immediately ask about their hobbies.., what real person doesn't want to brag about the fish they caught, their best score(s), their volunteer work etc?
  4. One thing has never changed, they are Still assuming total closeness immediately. Run!
    You're welcome!
AnneWimsey 9 Jan 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes Russian brides (for men) can be tempted if you want to go broke!


Thanks for the heads up, I am also on POF but so far have not been contacted by any scammers. Lots of men just looking for hook ups.

Good scammers Do Not appear to be scammers, just like any con man!


I was on that site for a short time. Was not impressed.


IMHO "Women,search for lasting love with their hearts,not using the brain that they have,believing the crap the scammer sells them,many have been taken for thousands of $$$". Ask questions,demand answers the old saying "If it sounds too good to be true".....

At the first mention of money, even $2, "in jest", flee like something is chasing you!


Anne, there are also women on there who are scammers. Definitely watch out.

Roley Level 5 Jan 10, 2019

If you're a man and you say you have money it seems to elicit responses from women. I wonder why?

Scammers have search engines that can sort by any number of terms....age, occupation/retired, area, etc etc so they can set up a profile that seems to be someone relatively close and meeting your criteria. Both sexes get scammed, all the time. I myself have written a few guys showing off their boat, BMW, etc telling them maybe they want someone who wants them, not their "stuff". Usually I get profanity back.....

@AnneWimsey If I knew a woman was a scammer and trying to play me, I would meet her for the game of it. Just to see what I could learn. Do you think that is foolish?

@beenthere yes, because they seldom work unassisted, it is not a " fair fight" as you & i would engage in. They are focused Only on money, so you cannot hurt them any other way, either. Just Flee!



Many years ago I received an email from someone in Nigeria. Apparently, his uncle had died and he inherited some oil wells but he was in dispute with the Nigerian Government and that the lengthy legal proceedings were expensive and had exhausted his financial resources. However, if I would care to make a financial contribution to his legal costs he would offer me a 10% stake in one of his oil wells.

I replied: ‘ What a remarkable coincidence! My late uncle who owned a vast estate in Yorkshire died two months ago, intestate. I am his only surviving relative and heir to hundreds of acres of land, however, because he did not make a Will the matter has been referred to the Probate Court. If you would care to send me the airfare to Nigeria I will fly over and meet you and we can discuss how best to manage our respective legal proceedings.’

I never got a reply to my email...LOL


Wow. POF. I'm almost getting that desperate lol. I'll wait until school ends before I hit those levels. Lol

The song lyric "Ain't nothing like the real thing baby!" comes to mind.

@beenthere for real


Hold tight to your purse.


The most important thing to say to anyone you meet on any dating site or on the Internet for that matter:
"I have one strict rule when I am on the Internet. I will NEVER, under ANY circumstances, send money or gifts to ANYONE for ANY REASON".

Even the mention of money gets a "block", period

@AnneWimsey Recommended.


on this site i notice that some of them, particularly the women, use model pictures also used by other women on other sites, and they similarly lift long, dreamy profiles about how much they enjoy life and want a man they can lean on bla bla bla, and then they post here asking if we believe in love at first sight, or that we should believe in ourselves, or something equally generic. they watch to see who's buying this and then i suppose they message those folks. the men are a little more direct here: they flat out ask for immediate intimacy or even money to emigrate.


A man asking for immediate intimacy is not necessarily a scammer. There is another word for that but it eludes me for the mome . . . What was the topic again?

@beenthere oh, sweetie, I just had coffee with a new guy, the first words in his first sentence were, "blow jobs".
I worked in an all-male shipyard for 13 years, I am not some snowflake, and it didn't upset me....funny, actually, will make a good story at some card party.
It is not however, a very good idea to expect anything but asking for $$$ fairly soon, if they are all over you like a cheap suit. Women can be scammers too....normal people are wary,and for good reasons!

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