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Basic difference between "liberals" and "conservatives"
Conservatives: "I will hold on to my beliefs no matter what and fight for them to the death!"
Liberals: "I love my beliefs but will change them if facts show me a better way"
Guess which side wins every time? The side willing to KILL and DIE for belief.
The intelligent people are actually fighting AGAINST an evolutionary process that the dumb people don't even believe exists. How is that for irony?!?

Seeker3CO 8 Jan 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Agreed! Although, when looked at outside of actual politics, I think both of these simplified ideologies could have some merit to them. Conservatives want what’s best for them, and liberals want what’s best for everyone. My mother used to tell me I would become more conservative as I got older and understood “the world” better, ironically she’s actually become a lot more liberal and open minded!

"Conservatives want what’s best for them, and liberals want what’s best for everyone".
I like that.


Really? I've found Liberals as hard-headed as Conservatives. Neither side is willing to move toward the center when presented with better options. If they were, they would all be Libertarians by now!

Everybody talks about the "center." What is that? I don't see a 'center' on climate change, or science in general. The idea of a center presupposes that everything in life has a right and wrong... good and bad... Only life doesn't work like that. The idea here is to control the chaos, not create more, and I don't think there's a "center" to that.

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