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After reading the bible 3 times in my whole life . I never though Satan was evil . He use to be an angel and Gods favorite . Until God made Adam and Eve and started to pay attention to them more . Through out the whole bible Satan has only killed a few pepole like Joe's kids and wife . While God killed everyone on earth killed the egypticans . Does anyone else think Satan was not as evil as Christans say he is .

sasukeatheist 4 Jan 12

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i think satan was nonexistent and i have never been christian anyway. in the hebrew bible, the one with which i am somewhat familiar, there is no satan. there is ha-satan, which means "the prosecutor" and is a title, not a name, in the book of job, and that was not an evil character; he was doing his job. it's all fiction, though.


I never read the Hebrew bible sorry I only read the King James version

@sasukeatheist [] a good translation. king james had issues, many political (and of course the christian bible is a whole different book anyway). by the time king james got to it, the bible had gone through a lot of translations and actual edits anyway.


@genessa How many different vesions were there im just curious . My family only read and thought the King James version but I also read some of the Quran and Catholic holy books too for research .What was the Hebrew bible like .

@sasukeatheist uncountable! i don't think anyone knows. new texts pop up from time to time, most of them having been suppressed. the hebrew bible is the original version of what christians call the old testament. i have linked it above.



You did better than me 😕 … I barely got through 3 pages, and the entire time - amid the blood, war & death - was wondering if I were reading ‘the right version?’ And, if reading that meant I’d have to read every other ‘holy book’..? Since it was never pushed on me, I got to put it down.. Glad you’re here ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 13, 2019

Thank you 🙂


All the snake did was tell the truth.

Good point 🙂 .


That's a excellent point. I agree
But I'm sure it says something about the thief who comes to steal or destroy, ultimately resulting in our fate. So if your Good life is better but not easy I think.


As a former Sunday school teacher, I love the reaction most believers have when I tell them, "According to the bible, the first sin was not committed by 'Eve', but by Satan; who was also the first one to fight for equal rights."

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