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I have noticed lots of trolls have tried joining recently. At the same time. Our fellow members are catching them quick. Especially the female members on fire to calll them out. I am impressed and fun to watch.

Mokvon 8 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh yeah. Best thing you can do is report them ASAP. If you have a group, block them.

How do you know if you've been blocked?

@beenthere You don't get a notification or anything. You just figure it out...

@TheGreatShadow Do you stop getting alerts?


In "Trolls, Scammers & Nigerian Russian Wives:Report Them Here", we have been keeping watch long enough to have spotted many recidivists, and recognize some patterns. Sometimes we can spot them on the basis of some detail that is telling because of a previous account--like indicating "Other" for gender, forex. Everyone is welcome to drop by and check it out.

FYI: Troll refers to a provocateur who tries to get reactions from people, usually anger. Catfish refers to an imposter who lies about their identity, often via the use of stolen pics. Most scammers who join dating sites--to play on people's sympathy for money--are also catfishes.

To be fair, a pendant is a stuffy, know-it-all type who likes to go around telling people what words mean. 😉

I have noticed all three. So will you be changing your moniker??

Is grammar nazi the same as pendant?

"To be fair, a pendant is a stuffy, know-it-all type who likes to go around telling people what words mean." And a functional illiterate is a dolt who is oblivious to his stupidity.

Thanks for the clarifications. Although I feel like I should also say, "Thank you for your service". But I also wonder, do we all fall into some of those classifications occasionally though maybe not always intentionally?

@beenthere Indubitably. The name of our game is "exploitation": is the user here solely--or primarily--to exploit the community? That's what the group is for. Run-of-the-mill "trolling"--as is frequently seen, among members of all stripes--is of no concern to us. We aim to illuminate those users who offer nothing to the community, and only use it for their own gain.. The distinctions are almost always extremely clear.


I would like to see one for myself. Can I do a ride along?


Why are "trolls" joining this site? What do they have to gain?


I didn't know what a troll is till now. Very entertaining and scary.


Get them out!

Na. It is good for our ego. Just don't engage.


You're fun to watch too? Sometimes I do standup.


I'm glad they are spotting the trolls. I've seen them on other dating sites and also another atheist site. They often want to come in and point you towards religion claiming the entire time that they are anti-theist. I'm not a fan of anyone who tries to talk about nonexistent or unproven theory. In my 30's and 40's I would have kept you going with it all night. Today, not so much. No evidence means I cannot fit this into my reality.

Female trolls are different. They lot you in quick time and want to help you part with some money. A pic is a pic but you never know if they are really even female.


We like to have fun, some members take this place too seriously. I've got no time fo dat.

do i take the site seriously? not so much. do i take scammers seriously? yeah, i hate scammers. they hurt people. they rob people. they ruin people. i just saw a post by someone claiming to have a heart in need of healing. too bad she has chosen a picture of a porn star as her profile picture. she has her phone number on her page. i wonder what she could possibly want? i say "she." she could be donald trump, for all we know.


I have made note of that as well. But each their own.

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