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Virginia Department of Corrections is looking for this fugitive... Check out her name... And yes this is real, LOL ?!


DGJ0114 7 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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REALLY? I know parents love to give thier kids unique names but damn!!! Lol

I worked at a call center, among the contracts of which was customer service for funding inmate phone accounts for jails and prisons around the country. I heard all the best names. Mind boggling stuff. There are people named after liquor (Takeela) and reefer (Marj-jouna).


Oh wow! LOL


Oh and if I wanted to I could find Cletorious you just gotta be able to hold your breath and go in head first.?


There’s actually an inmate in the Virginia system that had his name legally changed to “ I P Freely “
Most of the staff refused to call him by that name but not me I told him that he should’ve went harder and had his name changed to Schitt Stanes.

Never once had a problem out of him after that.


Wouldn't you know that it's always Charlottesville?

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