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Alt-right activist meets with Congressmen.


This guy once submitted that blacks have a "violence" gene, and that Muslims were genetically prone to rape and violence.

Elganned 8 Jan 17

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I mean the guys all kind of Loco but in his defense the Turks did have a reputation.


I don't know about genes for high levels of violence, but black males do have higher testosterone levels than any other racial group. This makes them the world's best athletes. Just watch any NFL game for evidence of this. The higher testosterone also makes them more prone to violent behavior. And yes, higher testosterone does make you more violent. There is plenty of evidence to support this just from observing the behavior of white men who take testosterone injections and steroids. It makes white men stronger and more violent. Black males have higher testosterone levels as a gift of nature -- genetically.

If what you are saying is true it certainly is a long way to go to get around to saying that black people aren't as smart as you LOL I bet they could have said it faster. Which sort of negates your point. As far as testosterone. That has been as proven as the very that they are inherently less intelligent than us. All people come in all different varieties.
I am glad that you have managed to lead a sheltered enough of life that you can maintain this opinion from your high tower. However down here in the real world we have to deal with facts not the hyperbole of those looking for a convenient excuses for their racism

That was a frightfully jumbled and incoherent reply. I'm not discussing intelligence. That's not the subject at hand. The subject is whether or not black males tend to be more violent than whites or Asians. I pointed out the well-documented fact that black males have higher testosterone levels than whites or Asians. The benefit of this is that they tend to be on average stronger and more athletic than the rest of us. It is also documented that jacked-up levels of testosterone make one more likely to react with anger which leads to a higher likelihood of violent behavior. Crime statistics also prove that black males commit much higher levels of violent crime than non-whites do. Why can't you put your politically correct group think on the shelf and just deal with the facts and reality? It's this total inability to think critically on taboo subjects that makes atheists often come across as idiots and why I can happily go months or years without visiting this site.


The ol' r&v gene. That guy has an idiot-gene himself.

godef Level 7 Jan 18, 2019
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