Oh and btw the fbi cleared Kavanaugh do to another man who came forward as the one who attacked ford at that party before she actually testified.
Just saying the truth sometimes isn’t what you might want to hear but it’s still the truth nonetheless.
Yeah it’s a shame that the whole video has come out showing where the kid even though being a little ignorant actually did nothing except for having a dickish grin on his face.
Oh and btw it turns out that the students were actually chanting along with the Indian tribal chants in order to drown out the racist and vial adults that were representing the Hebrew Israelites who were at one point threatening physical violence every group out there.
@ProudMerrie Posted a link a minute ago maybe if you could watch it.
That’s only if you want to
@ProudMerrie Abridged or full version because a hell of a lot more was put there this morning