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I only found the link below by specifically looking for an indication that Russia was involved in the Brexit vote. My takeaways:

  1. Russia/Putin have engaged in an extensive concerted campaign to undermine the political systems in the US and Britain. Other countries have likely been attacked also.

  2. The Mainstream Media are indeed fully controlled in their content and completely censor the really important news. Not only did none of them cover this report, but wasted endless hours on much less important stories (all of them).

  3. The intelligence agencies saw what happened in Britain with the 150,000 social media propaganda Bots and didn't do anything to stop the same thing from happening in this country. The intelligence agencies are utterly complicit with the stealing of the 2016 election by Putin. (Why?)


racocn8 9 Jan 21

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Obama had been made aware of their meddling, but feared his interference against what was so obviously pro-republican espionage that he stayed out.. I suspect he’d also thought there was no way the nation would elect such an obvious imbecile as trump… He, up until the end.. and all those immature & and politically naive ‘progressives’ having tossed away their vote. Also, Blacks sat it out, an often ignored fact..

The perfect storm, and a cheap gamble on putin’s part - that’s paid dividends beyond imagination! Brexit as well..

The US media has too long played the game of ‘equality,’ if you report something negative about one - give equal time to the other. Never weighing the severity of consequences, but maintaining a false equivalency. -- ‘trump’s comment about leaving NATO gets as much air-time as Hillary’s head cold...

And, if the media can keep races, especially big ones, closer - the more ad revenue is pumped into outlets…

Putin’s evil, and the Republicans apparently view him as one of their own. How appropriate.

Hey - appreciate your detractors (below) - they’re conformation that you’re on to something 😉

Varn Level 8 Jan 22, 2019

Obama was recruited by the Deep State, and his minimal criticism of Putin's interference is in line with the Deep State's decision to install Trump and not to interfere (and probably to help the ) perfect storm of coincidences.

My naively optimistic hope is that the Deep State put Trump in the presidency knowing that exposing his corruption would demonstrate the dire need to pursue all the other corruption that has become so pervasive.

Naïve is probably an understatement. More likely, the Deep State sees this chaos as a means to institute still more controls.


Amazing how social media has changed the game.


The malevolence and pervasiveness of Russian attempts to destabilize and undermine the West cannot be overstated. Under Putin, Russia is a threat to the entire world.


Yes yes, blame the russians, it can't be the fault of your own misinformed country with media and educational systems not prepared for social network style of communication


Funny how people will accuse Russia of interfering in US politics, but you never hear a thing about those who interfere constantly in US politics . . . . like Saudi Arabia and Israel. They interfere far more in US politics than Russia could ever dream to do.

THHA Level 7 Jan 22, 2019
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