Bring down the mafia got real easy once J edgar was dead. I know he was good once but somewhere along the way he lost his moral compass. His need for media exposure over rode his common sense and sense of right from wrong.
Maybe he was just at the right place at the right time... This is Showing he was not All that. Something to know about Mafia... Omerta Rule is Always Broken!!!!
@GipsyOfNewSpain You could be right about being in the right place at the right time.
Pretty good likeness, actually, especially the beady soulless eyes
Seriously...the guy needs to be tested for dementia...
Trying to defend Trump would drive anyone a little loony....
seriously, I think you are correct on this. He is acting as if he really does not know what's going on.
@starwatcher-al One of the news anchors intimated that perhaps he is also just coming from dinner and a few proof of that, of course, but, they are trying to explain his erratic behavior...
@thinktwice then he is always eating and drinking because everything he says lately is garbage.
@starwatcher-al yeah...just reaching for some anything...but,,,no...I got nothing else! lol