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It wasn't enough to gain her freedom, now they're gonna pay her for it? Give that money to a better cause! []

IAJO163 8 Jan 24

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I'm not going to comment further and I will proudly wear my "Asshole of the day" tag. This site is about opinions and I simply stated mine as you've stated yours. Let's move on.

@mzbehavin Learned a plenty. I'm a very quick learner. 😉 Moving on.


Are you like, stupid or something?

How do I get to be stupid over this? In the midst of a government shutdown and many other causes that the money could've went to, I think that her upside is that she'll get to see age 14. No bleeding heart here. It could be construed as "White Privilege" by many.

@IAJO163 and I guess, since her parents are dead & she is quite young, she could go live in a cardboard box while she tries to pay for an education, and housing, and oh, I dunno, food?

@AnneWimsey Look up and see the comment I posted. I'm ready to move forward. 🙂


After all that happened she deserves the money IMO


I would imagine she will need lots of therapy.


I don't know. I think the years of therapy she's going to need to help her
cope with having her parents murdered, and being kidnapped and held
captive by a whackjob, is a pretty good cause.
Besides, it's probably going to cost more than that.
Why should the kid go into debt (or members of her family) before she's even 18, for something that wasn't her fault in the first place?

It's also a privately-held company, and they can do whatever they please
with their money. It's not like it's your money.
What do you have against her getting the money? It's not like she asked for it.
Actually, it's not like she's asked for ANY of this.


She lost three months of freedom...prisoners jailed unjustly often get compensated and it is not enough to make up for that loss...she will need more than that to get her life back together after the loss of her parents...victim compensation is the norm in many places...

It seems that the donation is coming from one local source...a corporation...

Is there a reason you oppose this?

@PalacinkyPDX I am sure her guardians or family are going to help her so anything that could help them also get over the shock and unplanned change to their lives is probably welcomed.

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