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My answer to all of those Kentucky Catholic white boys.

Mooolah 8 Jan 24

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That would be a racist post.

Not. "White Kentucky Catholic Boys" is the description of them. Has ZERO to do with superiority of one race to another which is the definition of said word. You should know this by now. No point for you.

@Countrywoman Firstly, it is used as an adjective not a noun. Secondly, if you didn't mean it as a race or gender issue, why not say students or kids. The way you used it in your post is like saying the kentucky catholic black boys/girls or kentucky catholic asian boys/girls, etc . . . would have somehow behaved differently, better or would have deserved to act in a certain way.

@beenthere Ok. "Kentucky Catholic White Boy Student Kids Anti Choice Protesters Indoctrinated Believers Outside Agitator MAGA Wearing Hatted Unsupervised Teenager Selfy Taking " Does that cover it? They were "WHITE". Fact not judgement. I think most yellows would act differently not due to genetics but cultural influence. The same for blacks, browns, reds, pinks etc. Cultural influences will affect behavior. The Black Hebrew inciters were just as misbehaved. As no physical harm was done , no crime was committed. It revealed the underbelly of ugliness that the failure of Reconstruction has left in its wake. We are attempting to rectify our sins & Comrade Chump his attempting to send us back to the 19th century.


PBS Independent lens is running a piece on Native American Indians who were influential in jazz, blues, rock, metal. From Mildred Bailey to Roberto Truillo. Jimi Hendrix was First Peoples/Scottish/African American. Robby Robinso of course, Jesse Ed Davis played the opening of Jackson Brown's "Dr. My Eyes". How Buffy St. Marie was on J. Edgar's black list & lost her contracts. No Justice no peace.


Great old song. Redbone....slipped my mind but I do believe I remember the Midnight Special performance.


Here's mine. Well, Jello's.


Oh my! LOL. Thanks that was good.

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