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Excellent explanation of why the whole ''equal pay for everyone'' plan is just silly...

Captain_Feelgood 8 Jan 25

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Social And communism have a 100% failure rate.


what equal pay for everyone? there is no such plan. what kind of bullshit is this? no one has called for such a thing. what reasonable, nonshitty people want is equal pay for equal work, not equal pay for everyone. duh. if a woman performs heart surgery and a man performs heart surgery and they're equally qualified and equally experienced, they should be paid the same... as each other, not as a burger-flipper, who, on the other hand, should be paid a living wage. women earn 70 cents on every dollar a man makes for EQUAL WORK. that shouldn't be. how does that get conflated with some idiotic tale about equal pay for everyone? stop promoting bullshit lies, will ya?


I agree, but l think this is talking about an income cap that keeps people from making more than everyone else. This person wasn't even concerned with the difference in women's wages.

@Captain_Feelgood then why did you call it equal pay for everyone? you do know that some idiots will actually believe there is a plan, doubtless a democratic plan, more slander against democrats in that case, to have equal pay for everyone? i didn't click through. i have no intention of clicking through.


@genessa l am just quoting the writer of this piece. They use the term "equal pay" at the end of the third paragraph in their question "what if everyone in the US received equal pay?" They actually go over different scenarios like a pay cap as well as a base salary. But l guess you would know that if you had just read it to begin with.. Seriously, why even comment if you won't take the time to read at least some of it?

@Captain_Feelgood i commented on what YOU said. you said it was excellent. it wasn't enquoted. it was YOUR expressed opinion, or at least that is all i had to go on. why comment? because the concept was so ridiculous! it is as if you're spreading rumors, and that is especially dangerous these days. look, if you'd posted a story and labeled it "excellent explanation of how the jews are actually killing christian babies" i wouldn't have to read it to object to the premise, would i? or can we NOT take your word for what an article is about?


@genessa Holy moely... if you are that triggered over how l prefaced that link without reading it, do us both a favor and block me.. l don't care about your 'what if... jews killing... blah blah' straw man crap.. l'm done here.. Have a good one.. ??

@Captain_Feelgood seriously? can't take criticism much, eh? well, i'm not going to block you. if you're so uncomfortable with me, you block me. i won't do your work for you. you don't understand a word i said and i give up trying to make my point. i just don't care anymore whether or not you get it.
it if you're going to react THAT way. i tried. bye.



Duh. Nice straw man.
How about the Pediatric Neurosurgeon Salary Plan? No-one gets paid more than a pediatric neurosurgeon. Same as, yes, but no more.
Because of you think that you're job is more important, more stressful, and more demanding than 12 hours of being elbow deep in a kid's brain trying to save their life, you're full of shit.

I agree completely.. Not sure what you mean about a straw man though..


I have never heard of anyone talk about equal pay for everyone except in the context of discussing various models of government styles ...all hypothetical and only to discuss the various merits and fallacies of each one of them...

A minimum base pay for people to be able to live healthy and productively is a different matter...keeping people out of poverty so that other social issues such as crime diminishing is a totally different conscript.

The article is correct in explaining why having a ceiling in earnings, salary caps, and arbitrary classification of which jobs should be paid more than others doesn't yeah, it is silly...was that your point?

Yes, exactly.. Believe it or not, apparently there are people out there that believe a cap would be a good thing.. ? Why else would they feel the need to write this?

@Captain_Feelgood I would not have worked so hard to break the glass ceiling if I thought there was a cap limiting the amount of money I could make as a corporate executive....I think the idea of a cap is more about how much is enough and where does greed start taking over at the expense of executive who makes millions while paying the workers barely above the poverty line.

Excess and greed are the issues, not capitalism...capitalism works only if those who profit from it are mindful of helping others achieve their goals as well.


Captain feel good in anything but that.

I'm anything but what? ?

@Captain_Feelgood Jolanta is nothing but a liberal troll and is banned from the conservative group so I wouldn’t pay any attention to her.

@Trajan61 Actually I am a conservative social democrat having lived under three different political systems. That is way more than you have experienced.

@Trajan61, @LimitedLight Nah, he says he is here for the community but actually he is only her for himself. Just a selfish git.

@LimitedLight No I’m definitely not meant for her.

@LimitedLight, @Jolanta You’ve apparently never lived in the US.

@LimitedLight Now l AM confused.. is responding to a specific person the same as tagging? If there is more than one person in a thread, how else is one to respond to a specific entry without ''tagging'' that specific note? And why is specifying a person you want to respond to 'rude' somehow?

l'm still waiting to hear what it is l am 'anything but'.... please indulge me.. ????

@Trajan61 I just wonder how much experience you have from living in different countries under different political systems?


I've watched a lot of debates on this issue and as yet, never have I heard an "equal pay for everyone" argument being made. What has been suggested is that there be a minimum income for everyone. As tech takes more and more jobs away from folks this would guarantee a base amount of money that people could get to survive on. That's a world apart from "equal pay for everyone" which would be silly.

gearl Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

I agree... l thought it strange someone felt the need to write this..

@Captain_Feelgood you did not share it with us saying it was something strange. you shared it with us saying "excellent explanation."


@genessa It IS an excellent explanation, and it IS strange, to me, someone felt the need to explain it. One does not negate the other, gen.. get over it.. pfffft ??? lf you're just trying to pick a fight, go elsewhere..

@Captain_Feelgood no, i am not trying to pick a fight. i am pointing out a real problem, and increasingly it seems that problem is you. anyway, weren't you going to block me? what's taking you so long?



Who's got an "equal pay for everyone" plan? Never heard of it.

I don't know of anyone pushing this politically,, l just thought it strange someone felt the need to write this..

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