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A few days ago I had an argument with a friend who was peddling anarchy and revolution to overthrow the government. My argument was that any new government would have the same problems so it was far better to fix what we already have. Then she flew of the handle and started talking about child abuse and for the life of me I couldn't work out the connection so I just said she was having a rant.

Anyway a few days later we talked again and she asked to me watch a video


After watching this everything she said suddenly made sense. I did a bit of research and its true we have a pedophile pandemic in the UK that seemingly goes right to the top.

My blood is boiling but it seems so futile. Institutionalized pedophilia on a mind blowing scale and i never had a clue till now...

Not sure what to think about it beyond going vigilante.

Nardi 7 Jan 25

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“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson

“When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise the original rights of self defense – to fight the government.” – Alexander Hamilton

“The ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms.” – James Madison

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We, the people are rightful masters of both Congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

“What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson


Overthrowing governments seldom work out very well. Change always happens with generational changes, sometimes for the better, sometimes not so much. The government is not a thing. It is people. Overthrow it, and there are still going to be people in charge, and that is where it always goes south. The knew government could be worse than the one you had. Lets just work on the ones we have over here and over there.


Notice also you have access to the information to make a judgement. Problems? Become an activist. Anarchy is just people that want to see only the bad and scream but don't want to do anything about it. UK pedophile is a direct result of the upper class education system and an old-school oy network that stretching ages. Notice also that it's illegal, so even those practicing it know they can be caught. Catch them.

There are groups I can join. I will look into it ASAP thanks


Anarchism is not no rules or lawlessness. It means no rulers. No kings, queens, dictators or mob rule.

There will always be laws, nature has definite laws. But the laws of man are mostly just edicts from groups of people who call themselves government.

The fact that we are even discussing this shows that governments are either a part of this problem, or are powerless to stop it. So why not have a voluntary system?

SCal Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

I discussed this at length with someone and there is a significant problem with amenities and support for the elderly and other vulnerable groups like the disabled. They could suffer greatly before an effective alternative can get to them and in some cases that could be fatal. So I argued that we would need to fix what we have rather then over throw. Then I saw the video i linked here now i don't know what to think.


I believe it would have to be an eventual phasing out of the will to be governed. There seems to be a lot more discussion about these philosophies now with the internet. But I do not kid myself, there are so many who are comforted by the need to be ruled by something. We continue to evolve as humans.

@BryanLV Existing governments would never allow that. It really would take a revolution to purge the cancer but it would come at a greater cost to the vulnerable who would have no support in the interim.


Religions have been known to lead to all sorts of mental disorders. A ton of unnatural sexual repressions are demanded by some zealot organizations. All sorts of studies on the effects of sexual repression show that many aberrant behaviors stem from sexual repression, especially early on. If not checked early on, people can just get worse over time and do some pretty unsane things.

Holy books are prime promulgators of sexual repression.

SCal Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

A revolution would not solve the problem.

It wouldn't happen anyway. I'm just really upset having watched the video and doing a bit of research. I never knew the problem was as big as it is here.

@Nardi Well one only has to see the Catholic priests who are still at large to understand the scope of it all.

@Jolanta It's like who the hell can anyone trust now. Pedophiles are a cancer on society.

@Nardi You know it is not everybody but a small part of society. So you be ok.


Una revolución es algo así como destruir un viejo edificio para construir uno nuevo, y el nuevo no se construye sobre los cimientos del viejo. Por eso, un proceso revolucionario tiene que destruir para poder construir, una revolución es una lucha a muerte entre el futuro y el pasado. Fidel Castro

"A revolution is like destroying an old building to build a new one, and the new is not built on the foundations of the old. Therefore, the process of revolution must destroy in order to build . . . a revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past." Fidel Castro

I agree 100% with Fidel on this one . . . .

By the way, there is a website in the USA, you can enter you zip code and it will show you were the registered sex offenders live . . . . . . you will be astounded . . . and that is just the ones that are REGISTERED. My area is 85051 . . . the average is probably about 3 - 4 per square mile . . . . that is how decadent this capitalist American "democratic" society is.


THHA Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

I wonder if theres a similar thing here in the UK

@ Nardi . . []


Anarchy means no government. PS we need some sort of revolution like that in the US.



I'm not clicking on it either. Vigilante is not the answer. Vigilantes get killed or put in prison. I have to constantly be after members of my own family and their friends too in order to get this across.

I know its not going to solve anything but the truth i would not feel any remorse either. Pedophilia is the best example of pure evil i can think of.


I won't click the link, I don't need to see it to know what it's about.

It's vile, and I can appreciate the urge to go "vigilante".
And while that would provide a definite level of satisfaction, would most
definitely put an end to some people's activities, it won't solve the problem.
It would also likely get me killed, or land me in prison, so that's a non-starter.

I personally believe in publicly outing the people who are involved in it.
Those perpetrating, and those keeping their secrets, and those who enabled them.

All protections and recovery treatment should be available to the victims.
And the perpetrators should lose everything they own, and the collective proceeds should go into a general fund for the victims.

Then throw everyone involved into Gen Pop, and let the other inmates deliver

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