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There was a time when we valued wisdom… but then all the stupid people complained.

Benthoven 8 Jan 26

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When i saw the movie Idiocracy, i was frightened. The fear has grown every day since as i see it becoming reality.


A very timely and prophetic movie. Modern society has interfered far too much with natural selection.

@Piratefish I remember getting in a fight with someone at a workplace where the c*nt was SCREAMING at me that she thought this and that about me.... I kept my composure and said, "you feel." Another co-worker smirked. And while there was a whole huff n' puff, i illustrated to my boss that nothing she had to say had to do with thinking. it had less to do with the job that was done. her feelings were hurt that she did not know about a project before it was started. the whole situation was nonsense.

my most recent job was all about feelings. someone wrote a note about a manager favoring one department over another and i was blamed. i'm like, "um, 1-i'm not shy. i would have said it. and 2-that's feelings... nothing to do with work."

we have become a society of feels. ugh.

"It's what plants crave."

That pretty much sums it up.

And then they got into politics and got elected into office for life.................

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