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I think im the only athiest in my entire country lol

Reyhaan 2 Jan 26

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I rather doubt that, France has a long history of nurturing contrarian thinking and according to @josh_is_exciting's cited article, boasts 20% as "convinced atheists". You probably need to get out more!

Of course just because 20% of the French are atheists doesn't mean it's front-and-center in their thinking and atheism is never a broad enough basis to coalesce around and build community. What probably is true is that you would run into people who are into the same hobbies / art / interests as you and find that 20% of those people are unbelievers (after you got to know them really well, because the topic just wouldn't tend to come up).

Where religion is weak enough, the utility of areligion wanes along with it. We wouldn't need to explain atheism if religion didn't exist ... and when religion is sufficiently relegated to the fringe, we won't need the concept of atheism, any more than we need the concept of a-hairism (shaved or bald heads) or a-philatelism (not stamp collecting).


I don't know any French who are religious.


I think she's in the US now, but French porn actress Rebecca Lord was being interviewed (Howard Stern?) and talked about how miserable the RCC made her growing up. She was very cool and outspoken.


List of French atheists: []


Make the post in French as well and see what happens. btw Welcome along 🙂

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