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I'm hoping I can get my car back from the body shop today.

Just got through getting off the phone with the dealership that has my baby. The service advisor in charge of letting me know my car is ready or not will call me back. He was talking to other folks about their vehicle. Argh!

I miss my car!

SleeplessInTexas 8 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Hopefully you soon will be taking it for a cruise...


I thought that your car was in for a break job, what's up with the body shop?

@Unclehotrod Sorry, it's at the dealership's garage. Whatever you guys call those things in the U.S.

And it is for a brake job, but there's more damage than originally suspected. I paid 2 independent mechanics for 2nd and 3rd opinions. The only difference in cost was 1 mechanic works for a car dealership that guarantees his work through a 2 a manufacturer warranty on OEM parts.

It's more expensive, but for my peace of mind, it's worth it.


having your baby spray painted ??.

@Moravian, not quite.


My service advisor just called back. My car parts came in this morning. They anticipate to have my car ready to go by late this afternoon or first thing tomorrow morning.

I've arranged for the service advisor to pick me up from my house, since my older son will be at work and won't be able to take me.

I'm very impressed with the customer service I've gotten from the dealership. (Even though I didn't buy my car from them.)

Times like this makes me wish I had a boyfriend to take care of these matters, either by fixing my car himself or making sure it gets fixed.

Having a knowledgeable Male to handle these matters, is worth sometimes the disagreements all couples seem to have. Does your State have yearly vehicle inspections? If so,the thinning rear brake shoes would have been noted. Most cars have disk brakes in the front and rear drum brakes,the reason for that is during braking,a weight transfer takes place,with the front brakes handling a majority of the stopping action.


Well...they're not making money off you under warranty, so what do you expect - actual customer service and 5 min of attention?!? 😀

@jondspen Actually, they are making money off of me. I checked my warranty on my rear brakes, etc. They were not under warranty.

It's costing me around $1,500. I just want my car.

@SleeplessInTexas $1500 brake job? Ouch! =[

@IAMGROOT The damage to my car went deeper than just my brakes. But it all started with my brakes.

@SleeplessInTexas So, your car sustained damage in an accident (body damage) that also affected your brakes? Sorry to hear that. Car repairs are always a PITA (pain in the ass). My daughter has been driving all of about 7 months. So far, she has totaled one car and damaged a second. We are up against the decision of whether to just pay out-of-pocket vs filing a claim (she was at fault and her car is driveable, but the person she hit, whose car had very little visible damage wants her car fixed) for this last accident. The estimate for the other person's car is $2500. =[ If we file a claim, she will have two chargeable, at-fault accidents and her already expensive insurance will increase dramatically.

@IAMGROOT I'd pay out-of-pocket, but keep pictures of the other person's damages, diagnostics estimates for repair, and everything.

@IAMGROOT First, I would want my car fixed, even if it was just a scratch. No reason for my car's value to decrease b/c of someone's else actions. Second, sounds like you need to take away the keys from her. 2 accidents in 7 months - wow! Would imagine you're not too happy with her ATM. Good luck!

@SleeplessInTexas Well, that sucks it isn't under warranty. I had a feeling it would be up in the $1-2k range though. Bummer...

@jondspen Bro, she needs to be mobile. You have no idea. LOL!

@IAMGROOT Oh...I had TWO teen daughters, about 10.5 months apart - so I have a very good idea! LOL They are in mid 20's now, and one grand-daughter, but I still have nightmares from raising them! 😀 The good news, is the grand-kids are worth the PTSD - revenge is a dish best served about 30 min before grand-daughter goes home, and with LOTS of sugar!

@jondspen LOL! I have a 26YO son and we never went through this with him. No at-fault accidents. I find it odd because I thought males were higher risk as young drivers. Not our experience.

@IAMGROOT A manager I once worked with had 4 kids. Boys were 17, 14, 11, and one daughter 9. I asked him, since he raised both, which were more 'work'. He said his daughter at only 9 y/o had been more drama and anxiety than all 42 combined years with the boys. He had made a deal with the wife, you handle her, I'll handle the boys. He said it was the best deal he's ever made! LOL

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