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Any parents here whose children have come out as transgender? I fully support my recently-out trans-daughter, but a discussion about the unique experiences we parents have in this situation would be helpful to me. Maybe others would benefit as well.
If you are in this situation, and would like to chat, message me privately.

jjbelle 5 Jan 28

Enjoy being online again!

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You could always create a group. I know I'd join. I have a niece who is trans. Just came out a little over a year ago.

Her wife knew long before that though. I felt terrible that she didn't realize she could have told us. She knows that now.


One of my best friends from High School is going through this with her daughter. The pronouns are difficult to remember


My nephew is trans, he's fab. Love him to bits. My sis is supportive of course, we have attended his appointments, he has a lovely gf, a job and is off to university this year. One day my sister sat down in my living room and got upset saying how much she was grieving for her little girl. It really struck me. I think I was always thrilled by my lovely nephew, but thinking about it, I miss that little girl too.

I mixed my pronouns for a year and felt terrible. But I'd had 35 years of conditioning with the other pronoun for my niece - so now I don't yell at myself so much. (I mean I am human).
I also don't do it anymore. But it helps that she lives fully as my niece now.

@RavenCT You are only human, it is difficult because their is an adjustment. Much love to your neice.

@Amisja My sister (her Mom) and I - corrected the crap iut of each othwr - and we had to figure out there were times it was appropriate to reference the former name. But not to use it.
Someone needs to write a book? But as you say we're human. And heck my Mom used to call me by my brother's name? She meant no harm. It is a moment of forgetting.


There are online forums specifically for LGBTQ people and parents of trans children, if you google them;



Thanks for the links!

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