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I have said this before in this blog site and in my newspaper columns; I am more afraid of domestic terrorists than the Taliban or ISIS.

SageDave 7 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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We have a lot with guns that kill for no reason than to kill and then take their own lives. What a shame.


The Taliban and ISIS are thousands of miles away. They probably don't have plane fare and dress very conspicuously. The domestic terrorists, on the other hand, are close and don't look any different from us.


Me too. Definitely.


I agree, festering (promoted) hate, can destroy!


Agreed. Not so much because of numbers, though that is an important element. More because of ease of detection. Foreign terrorists must pass through several filters, allowing for earlier knowledge of activity. The homegrown variety, unless incredibly inept, have few if any barriers (particularly true in the case of firearms), and they know the territory.


I do not fear anyone in my immediate area, but if I were going to pick those I would need to fear it would be people in my immediate area.


I read the ADL report this morning. We have much to fear from angry white men with deadly weapons.

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