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If someone has you blocked why can you still see their post. One woman has me block, I don't know why, but any time she post something it shows up. Anyone know why??

freeofgod 8 Jan 31

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Ive been blocked by a woman for unknown reasons also and the blocked posts keep coming .


Maybe she just can't see your post.


You may see the post, try to respond. If you can, then you aren't blocked

No It goes to the page that says 'this post is unavailable'

@freeofgod Then you are blocked

@Our_existance , good to know. I'm fine with that. Just the glitches are annoying. I thought I shouldn't be able to see her alerts posted on my page.


I had a related problem. At least I assume they blocked me. The alerts showed his post, but every time I clicked on his post, it said it had been deleted. This happened multiple times, so I decided to visit his profile. His profile wouldn't let me visit. So, I guess I was blocked. I haven't seen his posts lately though.


Can you send me a message about the specific? Thanks!

Admin Level 9 Mar 3, 2019
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