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Any suggestions for an interesting, gripping, thought-provoking movie on Netflix?

tinkercreek 8 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Australian movie "the Dressmaker". 1950's society rural Victoria. It hasn't changed much in 60+ years. For those delighting in dress styles a must see.

Oooh, I have seen Dressmaker, and it was brilliant! Dress styles, period history, great story with a fine ending!

@tinkercreek Only last week I was standing in the grounds where the footy match scene was filmed. A friend was paid $2500 to park his historic 1928 Ford ute in the carpark. If it was filmed it was cut out of the final version.

@FrayedBear Oh, but a fun story!!


Russian Doll.

Thanks, that looked interesting!


I am watching "Travels with my father". It is a doco, funny and entertaining, but you have to be able to understand British humor.

I have noticed that, thanks for the recommendation!


The show "Altered Carbon"

Marz Level 7 Feb 2, 2019

The Bird Box.

Really? It's so trendy, usually a red flag.


To be honest, I've never had anything to do with Netflix. But I know a whole array of some great shows that might be on NF, or hulu, or what have you.
Two that off the top of my head is.
Westworld., and Banshee. I think one was HBO, and the other was Cinimax. either way, if you get the chance, both were great shows.


the ballad of buster scruggs......cohen bros. collection of shorts. i loved it. i'm reminded of hollins.

Oooh, I had seen that preview and wanted see it! Out for a walk first, thank you!

What a riot! True to the Cohens, that was a fun and wacky trip.

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