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Do you become upset when in a store and there is not one clerk to be found for service? It is driving me to shop on line but I find it difficult to buy clothes on line because there are no uniform standard of sizes. Some small sizes for adults look like children clothes and some large sizes are small. I wish a standard could be established and it would be the end of in store shopping!

Marine 8 Feb 2

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You might want to shop in a high end boutique rather than Walmart if you expect customer service. If you want $19;78 jeans you aren't getting a room attendant.

I have been to Walmart 2 times in my life.


yes especially in banks and post offices


I hate shopping, especially for clothes. It wears me out too much.
I found one store where their brands fit me, so I mail order from the website. Works for me!


Even returns on line are easier than going to the store. Stores are really driving people to shop on line by no longer providing the customer with service on site,

This is very true in where I live...

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