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Michael Jackson had Vitiligo and was really paler than you. Asshole

BufftonBeotch 8 Feb 2

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You know I felt like someone was creeping in and peeping at my butthole and now I know. ?


Except when he was younger. When he started having surgeries to look less black is when he started to eventually become paler than I.

He had a skin disease.

@BufftonBeotch Yes, I know he did, but he also had numerous facial surgeries, which is why he looked anything but normal. He and I were born in the same year and I grew up with him, beginning with the Jackson Five.

@AstralSmoke Same era. I think he was two years older. I had has face on so any things.

Girls seemed to be a fan of Michael or Donny at the time.

I loved him even after he turned gray.

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