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For a religious person, the universe is alive, with created things, with the presence of God. Now a ‘none’, a person of no religious belief, loses that idea of the presence, and also loses a faith in a living universe. Do you think we as ‘nones’ should make an effort to view the world and the universe as alive?

Denker 7 Feb 3

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Losing a religion is like losing a crutch. Yes, there is a sense of loss and you start to look for another crutch, to support your sense of purpose, well-being, etc., so you are looking to a 'living universe' to provide a crutch. I suppose it begs the questions - do you need a crutch at all. Can you stand up without one? Or have you been too crippled by religion to make it on your own?


"Nones" are not "persons of no religious belief". They are people who are not connected with organized religious observance. That includes agnostics and atheists and the religiously indifferent / ignorant, sure, but most are theists.

In any case, there are lots of ways to find transcendence apart from religious dogma.


I don’t think those generalizations of either group are correct. And, to your question... I’m happy to wait for the evidence.

skado Level 9 Feb 3, 2019

Life is only relevant if it interacts with you anyway, since the living universe, which I am sure does not exist anyway, has not spoken to me, it has less relevance than a bacterium in the mud at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.


I’m surrounded by life, has nothing to do with religion.


How does not believing in a god equate to not believing in a living universe?

Life is very persistent. Look at the fossil record of our own planet. Life has been wiped out several times and life always comes back.

Our own planet is alive. With or without humans and their gods, life will exist.


Wait hold up. There’s a difference between the ideologies that needs to be cleared up here.

I don’t believe that I’ve ever heard a religious person ever say that the universe was a living thing outside of it being the embodiment of god.

And as far as “ non’s “ go we unlike the religious believe that the universe is full of life other than our own. Or least from my encounters that’s what I’ve gathered.


As an atheist, the sense of awe & wonder, and, yes, gratitude for the beauty everywhere overwhelms me on a daily basis.....and no "original sin" or other claptrap to mar that feeling!


I didn't lose, I never had. I see the world and the universe as being intricately evolved to live and breathe as one. Evolution does not stop. We are part of a beautiful whole. We don't know the whole story, our book has yet to be written and evolution will not end, then neither will the story. I will die, as in my flesh bones will end but my energy will continue and will reused and that is perfect.


No, I do not feel a sense of loss for not believing in something that has no evidence. Instead I look around at all the life here and wonder what life may be out there. No one knows the answer to that (yet), some people just think they know based on superstition. And to me, religious views of the universe are sad since they expound that there is no life except here and that the vast universe was created just for us, which is way sadder.


We are alive. Animals are alive. The universe might be full of living things. Why would we need matter itself to be alive too? Or the universe as a whole? What difference does it make? It's just a childish thought without evidence. I don't need someone watching over me in my sleep. I stare into the cold infinite universe with eyes wide open and I see the wonders as they are not as I want them to be.

Dietl Level 7 Feb 3, 2019
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