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Citizen: Kill thyself slowly:::::Total release foggers, commonly known as “bug bombs,” are INEFFECTIVE at removing cockroaches from indoor environments,...


JacarC 8 Feb 3

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Ive had rental units that were bought with or had tenants leave units with infestations.

I have used combinations of spraying, bombs, sticky traps and borax with great success. The unit needs to be sealed to the outside. If pests can just walk into your unit from outside, its all pointless.

The bombs do leave residue, but so does spraying. It can be cleaned. Its usually needed if people have roaches to begin with.

SCal Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

Boric acid powder works best.

It's not an instant killer but it is effective with a little time. I had roaches a time or 2 in Houston. None where I live now.

@DenoPenno I haven't had any for years. I bought a house in 2011 that had a couple. I got a big bottle of boric acid powder and poofed it into all the cracks on the inside of all the cupboards.

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