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I just found some really cool atheist shirts on

mooredolezal 7 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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This website must have mailed my agnostic t-shirt to my daughter's Lexington, KY, address, where I'd been planning to move when I left Thailand. But I almost died getting out of the country and ended up staying with my sister in Albuquerque, instead, while recovering from 4rth stage cancer by taking cannabis oil.

They give lip service to Christianity and seem to have little sense of humor, so since I'm a guest here, antagonizing them doesn't seem wise.


I really like this one from teespring

Me too.


We're actually fortunate that there are a lot of sites trying to cash in on the atheist merch dollar, TeeSpring included. My only problem is that most of them are ambiguous (I <3 Science?) or marketed at serious neckbeards.

Mine said Science Fiction. The letters of science were made from scientific equipment i e microscope etc. The letters of fiction were made of religious symbols. Really well done and reasonably priced.

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