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I'd love to hear from single adults who live alone by choice. Do you think there any truth to the saying that "the longer you live alone, the less tolerant you are of other people?"

RoadGoddess 7 Feb 7

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A lot of truth in that statement!


I do not think that there is any truth to that saying. I think that it is more likely that people who chose to live alone are those who are less tolerant of other people. In my case it is more of a recovery from a bad marriage. It takes time.


I do not think alone gives you "breathing room" from other people so you can be more tolerant, and knowing that relief from them is close by helps too.



Actually, a little of both.. I both appreciate time with others, but pleased as punch I don’t have to take them home 🙂 Alone’s new to me, and it appears addictive.

Varn Level 8 Feb 8, 2019

I've lived alone for over a decade and love it. Not sure I'm less tolerant - I have never cared to have too many people around me, all the time, anyway. Probably depends on how compatible we are.

I did have a live-in boyfriend for about a year of that and while we found a comfortable balance, and shared the cooking and chores in my one-bedroom apartment, it would have been nice if we each could have had our own space.

I think I could live with someone more easily if I had my own bedroom and bathroom, with a shared living room and kitchen. I really cherish my solitary time, so I'm fine if I never have a roommate again.

I do spend long stretches of time at my daughter's house, but she has created a nice space for me downstairs, where it's almost like my own apartment after spending the day upstairs helping with the kids. It's a fairly compatible arrangement, perhaps she's testing the idea for when I get old and senile, haha.


I have been living alone for 12 years almost , and I don't think I will ever like to change that . My house is the place I come to rest , think , play , regroup , create for fun . I do what I want , when I want , as I want . I am afraid that it's to late to try again to include another human in my daily life . Even if ever in love and loving again , I can't imagine that anyone will understand the " non talking b4 coffee pls " , or " yes , my showers are half hr long ".

Those are not big deals.

@Sticks48 I will like to mention that I also spend 12 yrs married b4 , and these things were big deal ! NEVER AGAIN ??
Hi sticks , where have U been ? I missed u ?

@Pralina1 Wrong men, and you know that. 🙂 Just like most of us here. Wrong partners.


Dammit, you're making me stop, think & consider

twill Level 7 Feb 7, 2019

There are certain people on internet forums that I could not tolerate for over ten seconds in person... and they know who they are... 😀

...oh shit.. I’ve a good distance between me & my neighbor ...but it’s 4-something AM and I’m laughing so hard ..I don’t want to get caught 😀 ...and ..I think I ‘see one’ coming up.


it may be true of many. i thought it might be true of me. however, after a lifetime of almost always living alone, i find myself living with my guy, and no, it's not true of me after all.



It's also fun to have people live with you for a few days of fun and then send them on their way. ?


I have been alone for seven years, but I would have no problem living with the right person. It would probably be good for me in some ways.


I kind of love both. I have had roommates and significant others I've lived with. There is always something fun to do with them. But it's also really fun to walk around in your underwear and do what ever you want. I also love the quiet of living alone. Want to see people? Go to their house.


Yes, that is completely true.

I’m happy being by myself, I tend to get lonely in crowds. I would like a partner in crime, though I really need my alone time.


I have lived alone for several years and I think I am very tolerant of other people. I could certainly live with someone again.

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