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Is there any ah physical therapist here that can give me some advice coz i did a hiked last wednesday its almost 5 hrs.then the effect is my left leg,the vein. i can feel that its not in proper position coz i can't walk properly,like if i do step even a single step it is so painful.😐

Boomtarat03 9 Feb 8

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Get that checked immediately. It might be a blood clot.


Stretch in the shower every day. That what I do. As a passionate hiker and runner, I hammer my legs.

Stretching after exercise helps tremendously. Leg stretches:



Oh no.... Is there anything I can do to help?


You likely have a blood clot. Go to the ER right away.


You need to be checked in case it’s a blood clot, or an inflamed vein, which can lead to clots. Clots can break loose, and go to your heart, lungs, brain. That leads to death!
So go get checked!


Get to a doctor NOW!


Hey it's David. I don't know any physical therapist but it sounds like you should really go to the doctor. Keep me up-to-date.

@erlie03 what do you do for a living? Don't you have sick time? I mean sometimes you just have to leave work. You could get a blood clot that will kill you you know.

@erlie03 so we are both caregivers! I take care of my mom and another couple overnight. At their house..

@erlie03 so what did the doctor say oh, are you okay?

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