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Simple Believers - Clement of Alexandria was a 2nd-3rd Century theologian who spoke of the ease of converting the many uneducated “simple believers”of his day to Christianity. I do understand and sympathize with these early believers who needed something to believe in. These early believers who feared death and the forces of Nature. However, I have scant patience with those present day supernatural believers who live in an age of having knowledge the Big Bang. In the Twenty-First Century, and the profound amount of scientific information presently available concerning Nature and human nature, there is no longer an allowance for Clement’s “simple believers.” It is disconcerting to me, but if someone believes some of this supernatural foolishness, I can accept that is where that person is emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. However, I have little respect for their abstract reasoning skills. If a person believes in a circus of corpses rising from the dead, a virgin birth, devils, etc. it is difficult for me to have an intelligent conversation with that person. John Friel pointed out that, "some people believe that God is actually an old man with a long beard. Most people who believe that are around 4 years old, either chronologically or emotionally." (1993) This ineptitude demonstrates 3rd rate thinking and 3rd grade mentality. I view such silliness along the lines of the Easter Bunny, Halloween ghosts and goblins, Santa Claus, and Ronald McDonald. I evaluate such foolishness as being equivalent to the fairy tales of Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Mother Goose, Beauty and the Beast, and Pinocchio.

Current allegiance to senseless beliefs and values surely demonstrates a childhood indoctrination that has chained a person to concrete thinking. Supernatural appeal is the product of man-made religions implanting beliefs into the impressionable young. Adult supernatural appeal is aimed at the simple-minded, lazy-minded, and those having an anti-intellectual refusal to think for themselves. Once implanted there is a proliferation of such beliefs. That is, supernatural beliefs beget supernatural beliefs ---> silliness begets silliness. More reasonable beings would not be so susceptible to such unnatural absurdities. If a person desires taking a journey to self-evolve emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually that person must evaluate and challenge their current beliefs. However, the trouble is once such beliefs have been cemented into the human brain, few will contest such absolutes. I say enough is enough! Rationally minded people of good will must stand-up to man-made religions that have done so much damage to the human world. With an amplified voice this destructive madness must be denounced. Yet, I fear for the vast majority of insecure, paranoid, and lonely humans, the hoax and bad joke of supernaturalism will continue. It will continue until our brain has had a chance to neuro-anatomically reconfigure itself through evolution, and can redevelop itself to the extent where we no longer fear death or the forces of Nature.

alwmjohnson 4 Feb 9

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Interesting. But I would add, it is more than mere silliness and intellectual laziness that keeps so many otherwise capable adult minds from abandoning religious nonsense long after those impressionable child minds could be expected to have matured cognitively and emotionally.
Having grown up steeped in Pentacostal teaching, I know first hand that FEAR is the number one weapon similar religions use to trap people and dissuade them from listening to their own rational doubts.

To escape this indoctrination, people need to be able to see through the spectre of fear and recognize the oxymoronic con for what it is. They need permission to try on agnosticism without the threat of cosmic punishment if the option of atheism is even going to be an attainable choice.

What helped me to stop looking over my shoulder for an angry god was when I realized God cannot be simultaneously all-loving, all-knowing, and yet wrathful about his "children's" mistakes and fallabilities....which he made them with, btw. That whole paradigm is an impossible contradiction. I think that point is something we can really emphasize to "believers" who reveal any hint of doubt.


I agree with you totally. Two things come to mind as I read this and reflect on my earlier days as a believer. The first one is that preachers talk of Clement and others as being right in there with the "early church fathers." I don't think 2nd and 3rd century fits for that claim but they say it often even today.
The second point is that so many in the churches today will continue with this nonsense because their families and their lives are mixed up in this belief. Even those who learn and know better are not coming out of those churches. They have too much to lose in doing so.

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