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I am really pissed off. For eight years my Social Security has only changed with COLA No other income or write off and I never had to pay income tax on it. This year I owe $69.00 Glad to help the very rich out. IN addition I learned that college kids delivering pizza do NOT get to deduct their auto expenses if the employer does not pick them up
Wow this most wonderful and most brilliant president ever has really got the nation fucked up.

EMC2 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Sucks you have to pay in. Plus even if you could deduct your vehicle for delivering pizza, most won't. They don't know the laws, and I'm sure they can't pay a CPA.


Actually trump did exactly what he needed to do for Putin. The Paul Ryan budget was the cornerstone of the Romney campaign. I remember Nuns on the Bus toured the country preacher to keep healthcare and aid for the poor. This went against the Pope also but the Nuns knew the plan was not American.
The only thing lacking in a fictional take over of a nation novel is the ability to get a large amount of people , stupid enough, to hear and not read, Well we sure as hell produced a doozey

EMC2 Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

All of what you point out was well known and many tried to point out the truth of the gop/trump tax scam. Sadly they listened to Paul Ryan, mcconnell and trump. I heard many republicans in my apartment complex saying how good it would be, they would not listen to the truth. The only people who get to keep the tax breaks are the super rich.
Time will tell if the supporters of trump, gop congressmen and senators that back this tax scam will feel voter backlash.

A lot of average income people got conned by Trump and the other Repubs about the tax cuts, but those kind of people are always either too dumb to see that those cuts are only designed to help the rich and corporations or else too embarrassed about being chumped to ever admit it to anyone. Here in Iowa, also, a lot of farmers voted for Trump believing his lies about taxes and trade policy as well as renewable fuels and are now finding that he lied about all of it. He imposed tariffs that are hurting farmers as well as reneging on fuel standards so that ethanol made from corn here is not used as much for gas as he led farmers to believe it was going to be.

@TomMcGiverin I keep searching my mind for an answer. A way to try and make my point but the un educated just do not want to hear it. I have done my taxes my whole life, granted they are not too complicated and the booklet is not that difficult to follow which is the case for most filers. I traded stock, commodities, carried a contract on a property sale, had a rental, was self-employed, etc. It is time consuming and most farmers and working middle class are short on time so trotting off to H & R Block is the way they go. Doing my own you can readily see where all the breaks go, it just so easy to see.

@silverotter11 I don't bother trying to educate or argue with those kind of folks. As I've quoted before on these boards, the eternal words of a former college prof of mine, " Confuse not the minds of the ignorant, they will only hate you for it". Speaking of H& R Block, I am off to there later this week for my taxes. Now that my late wife's estate is settled, my return is fairly simple so I will go there.

@TomMcGiverin , when he opens his mouth it's a lie.

@freeofgod I love to keep quoting LBJ, because he was so funny and wise about many things, but he once said something like that about Nixon. An aide of his asked him how he could tell that Nixon was lying in a TV appearance and LBJ said " Because his lips are moving". In my book, the only pol that was funnier was Bob Dole....


Are you sure Trump is responsible?

Yes. The tax codes were changed by his administration.

@Sydland Fair enough.

@K9Kohle789 , at times like this I have to repeat, bite my tongue, bite my tongue 🙂 Although fingers off the keyboard would be more accurate.

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